Just a friend

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Today Applejack had lots of chores to do at the farm, like any other day. Sweat was dripping down her forehead, and she had been going for hours now.

It was a little past noon now, and she was going to take a break to splash some water on her face to cool off. After she went to the kitchen sink and splashed water on her face, feeling a bit refreshed now, the phone in the next room over started ringing.

"Howdy! This is Sweet Apple Acres. What may I do for ya?" Aj cheerily answered the phone, happy to be of service. Hearing a soft voice on the other side of the line.

"O-oh, hello Applejack it's me Fluttershy." You could hear her smile I'm her voice, that usual nervous tone she usually spoke.

Applejack smiled at her voice, "Heya, shy! I'm on a quick break right now. Did'ja need anythin?"

"Well, um.. I was actually wondering if you needed any help today? I'm finished at the cottage for now and it would be nice to see you."

Realizing what she had just said, almost giving away her secret crush, Fluttershy quietly gasped and covered her muzzle with her free hoove.

Applejack raised her eyebrows and smiled, she usually wouldn't accept help from anypony but Fluttershy was an acception.

Considering the fact they never really spend time with eachother outside of friendship missions and their other duties, Aj accepted the offer.

"Well, o'course! Why would I ever say no to ya? Come over whenever ya want Flutters, it's just me and you here today." Aj smiled, hanging up the phone and starting to tidy up the kitchen.

Fluttershy was so happy that Applejack said yes, she felt very special because she usually never accepts help from anypony. It may be her kindness brushing off onto others, but she honestly really missed Applejack even though the last time they saw eachother was yesterday.

She combed her mane and packed some seeds in her bag, and happily heading over to the farm.

The whole way there she had a huge smile on her face, visibly happy to see the mare she loved most.

It was now 2:15pm and Fluttershy had just walked into the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres. She looked up to find Applejack just finishing up feeding the pigs and wiping the sweat off of herself once more.

Applejack glanced up to see Fluttershy, immediately smiling and saying hello to her. "Howr'ya doin, sugar cube?" She tilted her hat down, greeting the small yellow pony infront of her.

Fluttershy blushed and shyly looked down to the ground, smiling. She couldn't believe how effortlessly charming Applejack can be, she just radiated warmth and comfort. Anywhere she went felt like home to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then headed over to the pigs, placing one of her front hooves on the gate surrounding infront of them.

"Aren't they just so adorable, Aj?" Shy remarked, patting the closest pig gently on the head and smiling once more.

"Yep. They've gotten quite big since the last time you set hoove in here." Aj remarked and quickly thought

"Ya should come over 'ere more often, it gets lonely on tha farm, y'know." She teased, nudging Fluttershy with her elbow and smiling.

Fluttershy raised her eyebrows and smiled. "That doesn't sound bad, hehe. I miss your face when you're away."

Again, Fluttershy accidently let out more hints that she liked Aj. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed of herself, knowing that Applejack was already in a relationship with Rarity she regretted her words.

She thought to herself, "Ugh I'm such a mess." And slightly pouted.

Applejack didn't mind, she didn't think it was weird. "Hey sugarcube, it's alright to miss your friends. I miss all of yall lots too." She reassured.

"It's alright to miss your friends." Replayed over and over in her head. "Friend?" Hearing her say that out loud hurt more than expected. "Help me, Celestia, get me out of here" she thought to herself.

Fluttershy tried to shake the thoughts out of her head, and changed the subject. She asked Aj if she wanted to go out for dinner.

Since Aj had finished her chores for the day, she gladly accepted the offer and they headed into town together.

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