Chapter 1

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When I died, I was awoken from my sleep. I could not move. I could not speak. I could, however, open my eyes and look around my room. As I stared at the white ceiling, I felt my heart beat slow down. I knew I was dying. Even though I could not cry for help, I didn't want to. I was okay with dying.

At the mere age of seventeen, I welcomed my death.

Any other seventeen year old girl would cry and scream and do anything they could to stay alive, but I didn't. And as I felt my last breath coming near, I tilted my head to my left and there lay a boy. He wasn't younger than me, but he wasn't much older. He was laying on top of the covers of my bed with his fingers interlocked on top of his stomach.

I didn't know who he was, but I wanted to.

So as I felt myself finally finishing my life, I tilted my head back to look at the ceiling and closed my eyes to make it seem as if I passed peacefully in my sleep. Though, I did die peacefully.

I had a second to think about what I'd done in my life. In the early days that I can remember, I recall going down to the creek behind my house and getting all muddy with my sister. We'd come back all covered in dirt and mud from head to toe and our mom would get so angry that she'd force our older brother to come and hose us off.

He'd get angry too but he thought it was just as funny as we did.

Later on, in grade school, my twin would bring me along on her little antics to pull pranks on our fellow peers and sometimes if she was feeling extra stealthy, our teachers.

We never got caught because she always put all the evidence in this other kids desk so that he's be blamed for it instead of her or me.

During middle school, her pranks got bigger and better to watch. I loved them! Until she got in trouble for them that one day in the eighth grade. She was suspended for the first time in her life and I refused to go to school without her because she was my only friend.

My mom made me go to school without her and it was the worst time of my life, or so I thought.

When I was going into high school they sent her off to a boarding school for a year. It was the worst. Mostly because out older brother had moved out finally to a new city and our dad got put in the hospital with cancer. 

He died the summer before grade 10 and that was the summer she returned. But she was never the same, mostly kept to herself and ignored all of her old friends, as well as me. It was like no one existed any more in her world.

Then there was this summer, she and I hadn't talked in two years, mom brought us on a camping trip with older brother and his fiancée. Two days in she flipped out and mom brought her home and I was stuck with the other two for the rest of the week till mom could come and get me.

I mean, I like his fiancee but we don't have a lot in common.

Then we were supposed to start senior year together in a week. 

Notice how I said supposed to.

 And as the last breath left my lungs, the boy spoke.

"This is the beginning of your life Cari."

Life - Camp NaNoWriMo July 2015Where stories live. Discover now