Chapter 3

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"Good evening, Miss Chambers. Mr. Chambers." Harold greeted and pulled the door open.

Harold has been the doorman of my apartment building since before I moved in, a few months ago. "All well, Harold?" Nick asked. "All well. Good game sir." "Thank you." "When do you have to get back to the hotel?" I asked Nick. "I got a little time, sis." I smiled. A wave of relief went through me. I wouldn't be alone for a while. He wouldn't be able to do anything tonight. I hope. I unlocked my apartment and walked in, I had come face to face with my nightmare, that was for sure.


On the wall facing the door was a splash of read, may be blood or it could be paint, I wasn't sure. And with it a YOU WILL PAY. The same threat I have been getting since all this shit started.

My apartment was now apparently a crime scene and I was not permitted to step inside, nor was Nick. "So, a man has been texting you, sending you dead flowers and leaving threatening notes on your door along with pictures of you in public places?" Officer West questioned. I only manage to nod. I am still shook. Honestly, I did not expect the night to go like this. Nick's hand gripped mine and that was the only thing keeping me grounded. "Ma'am, how long has it been going on?" the officer asked softly. "A few weeks.. months I guess..." my voice is barely a whisper, both men here me. "Nessa, a few months and you didn't tell me." Nick looks hurt. I hurt him. "Ma'am please start from the beginning?" The officer asks. "In the start, they were only DMs on my Instagram. Then there were texts on my number, every time from a different number, then pictures and the dead flowers with threats started to come. Last week, someone tried to open my door from the outside, but I thought it was my neighbor, who had drunk a little too much. And I got another text today, when I was at the dinner with Nick and Noah." I finished. "Do you have a guess who it might be, someone who thinks you wronged him?" He inquired me. "A lot of people in my line of work hate me, I am a lawyer, but the only person coming to mind is Henry Colby. I got him arrested for abuse and helped his wife get away from L.A and start a fresh from somewhere, far far away from him." I answered. Henry was a serious piece of work, a narcissist, and an abuser. "Yeah I remember that case, it was one of your first cases right?* Nick asked "Yeah one of my firsts." I said. "Do you know when he gets out?" Officer West asked It's been two years since I started as an assistant at Simon and Wilfred, it was a few weeks after joining.... "I'm not sure but I think his time was for two years, plus minus some months, but he'd be out by now." "I'll check it up with the LAPD and will let you know. Also do you some place you can stay, a friends house for any family? Somewhere to stay for a while, away from the apartment." He asked. "No- "Yes" I started to say, when Nick cut me. "Where, I don't have any friends here." I told Nick. "But I do. Your staying with Noah." I said, his tone firm and authoritative, leaving no room for arguments. "You have to ask him first."

"Don't worry, he won't say no." turning to the officer Nick said "If it's okay I'd like to get my sister out of here."

"Your done for now, but tell me the address Miss Chambers will be at and you friend's contact information. Then your free to go. Also, if you want I can have two officers with Ms. Chambers." Officer west smiled at us. "That won't be necessary, we'll get her bodyguards." "That's fine. But please which private security will you be using?" "Morales Security. And Ms. Chambers will be at Noah Morales's apartments. Thank you for your help officer, but now I'm taking my sister out of here." Dom said over his shoulder, pulling me towards the car waiting at the front of the building.


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