Tony (NCIS)

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"LISSA" I herd dad yell from down the hall. "Yes" I yelled back in my most innocent tone. "Come into the living room right now" I gulped, dad never said anything that serious without a movie reference following.

I made my way into the living room, seeing dad sitting on one of the chairs across from the couch. "Sit" he says. I walk across the room and sit on the couch "so" he said in a tone that frankly I was not a fan of.

"Want to tell me why in the hell I got a call from your school saying that yoy have been skipping half of your classes?". Shit I knew principle Welsh said he was going to call dad but I didn't think he actually would.

"Uhm I have no clue what your talking about" I say in my high pitched voice, dad knows thats my lieing voice. "Why are you lieing Alyssa" oh fuck I'm in for it he used my full name.

" Fine I skipped some of my classes" admittedly I skipped more then some but I don't think he- "Some, you skipped almost all of your classes this week" well thare goes my lie.

"Dad look" I say before he cuts me off. " I don't want to hear it look I know it's been hard with your moms death but that is not an excuse to start flunking your classes and stop putting effort in".

I look at him feeling guilty I know he's right but I just don't want to face it. "I know, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for screwing up and I'm sorry for letting you down".

I feel the lump in my throat getting bigger but I'm not going to let myself cry because emotions make you weak that's what mom used to say and I'm not weak.

"Jellybean you're not letting me down I know things are hard right now and that you are not doing the best but you will never let me down, and you are not screwing up your just not getting things right all the time, but I know that you will get better ok and I love you no matter what."

I look at him with teary eyes. " Thank you" he stands up and opens his arms and I walk into them hugging him.

"I love you dad".

"Love you to jellybean, but you're still grounded for a month"

Fuck I thought I got out of that.

Father daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now