Chapter 4, hibernating bear

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Sharon had gone upstairs to get blankets for Buck and Sam.

Now me and Zemo were alone. 

I stretched and thought for second about how I failed to mention one thing to the others. I knew Zemo before he went to prison, before the avengers bullshit.

I motioned for him to follow me and he smirks and gets up, carrying his coat with him.

I led him down a short hallway, and to my own room. I walked through the door and turned on the table lamp on my dresser, creating a warm dim lighting in the room.

Zemo came in after me and shut the door. I sat on my bed and stared off into the distance, thinking about todays events, still in shock.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and try to wipe it away fast so Zemo won't see.

He did. He sits down next to me. "Are you crying?"

I shake my head "No." I choke on my words. 

He lifts one hand under my chin, and tilts my head to look at him. He sees my damp eyelashes and wraps an arm around my shoulders. I lean into his side and put my head on his shoulder. 

"What is bothering you." He asks and rubs circles into my shoulder.

I cry for a moment, getting myself together. "This new organization. I'm scared. How the hell did they find me. Why did they find me."

"You have nothing to fear, they won't find you here, I can help."

"No Zemo, you don't have to get involved, they will be after you as well."

"Adele after you bailed me out of jail the first time, before the Avengers situation, I am in debt to you." He said my full name. And it sounded so hot in his mouth.

I look up at him and he's already looking down at me. I reach up and hold both sides of his face, and I feel his ears heat up.

"Can I?" I ask, and he smiles.

"Of course." 

My eyes close and I kiss him. He doesn't kiss back for a second, and I worried. What if he didn't actually want to, what if I was rushing into things. What if he still misses his wife. Then he leaned forward, tilting his head every which way and pushing against me like asking for more.

I won't lie and say it was sweet, slow, and magical. It was rough and messy. Understandable for someone who's been in prison, who hasn't kissed in 5 years. But it was still good

He wrapped his arms around my waist. And I wrapped mine around his shoulders.

I pull away first, he huffs, disappointed, and keeps his forehead pressed to mine for a moment. "Debt paid off." I whisper shakily.

"No, just let me help." He wanted too help so badly.  And I knew me bailing him out wasn't the only reason he wanted to help.

But there was more to be discussed. "That is not the only issue." I moved my forehead from his to his shoulder. "Bucky is here now. You know what happened with me and him."

Zemo nods. "Mhm." He still had a giddy smile on his face.

"Well we ended things kind of harshly and now he's here, and I think he likes me again, I mean you saw his huffing and puffing earlier about you." I started to rant, "How do I even begin to sort that out, I don't wanna feel mean and tell him I lost feelings, but he is the one who wanted to take a break, and I'm just wishing there was a way to tell him without actually telling him, and I can't just-"

Zemo lifted up my head and looked me in the eyes, about to say something. "It'll all be okay, just shhhh."

"Make me." My eyes betrayed me, flickered down to his lips.

He smirks. "I saw that."

I smile and look back up at him

He kissed me this time. I was shocked but I melted into it again, leaning on him fully. 

He slid a hand down from my waist and pulled me onto his lap, I felt a tingly sensation everywhere he touched.

I adjusted my position and reached my arms around his back.

I grunted a bit which actually just came out as a moan, and his grip tightened around my waist, and I was surprised I let that slip out. 

I pull out of the kiss again, and I was expecting him to pull me in again and continue, just like someone else would. But he didn't. 

He just grinned up at me, his face red and a lazy, sleepy smile, happy with what he already  got. "Now what was that? What are we?"

I giggle and fall onto his shoulder, and he ran his hands up and down my back.

I felt his warm breath fan against my neck. "I don't know what we are."

I feel the drawn out puff of a sigh from him. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Are you okay? I shouldn't have made you do that." He worried and leaned back, breaking his grip around me.

"Hey." I said and looked at him sternly, and gave him a smile. "If I didn't like that then my hands wouldn't be up the back of your shirt."

He laughs, and slides me off of him so I was sitting next to him. "Alright, you're right." 

I frowned, wondering why he had pushed me off all of a sudden. Then I shook my head.

Stop it, you'll just get yourself worked up over nothing. I didn't want to think worried thoughts, best to ignore them.

He crawled up into my bed, sitting awkwardly above the covers, like he wasn't supposed to be there.

"You can lay down, I didn't just bring you in here to complain about my problems, sleep." I order, and he sighs relieved, pulling the covers over himself.

I drag myself around the bed turning the lamp off on the way, and climb into bed, my back to him.

Immediately I felt him shift, and his ankle scratched against mine, and rested there, and I focused on the warmth of him. I let out a long breath, a sigh of relief.

I stretched and closed my eyes. comfortable under my blankets.

I heard Zemo's even breathing beside me. Usually I used music to fall asleep to but that was just fine, I slept like a hibernating bear 

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