✨️Part 3✨️

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||Taehyung's POV||

Y/n seemed kind and caring, but she was scared to open up. I decided to spend the day with her, as it was a Sunday. I called her and asked her, and she said yes! I got ready and drove to her house. I waited downstairs till she came.


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this is what she wore*

*Y/n enters the car*

Taehyung:- You look pretty Y/n.

Y/n:- Oh, um...thank you.

Taehyung:- Where should we go first?

Y/n:- How about the mall?

Taehyung:- Sure. Let's go. *drove off to the mall*

||End of Tae's POV||

*At the mall*

||Y/n's POV||

While we were walking towards a restaurant, a girl suddenly came up to Taehyung.

??:- Oh hii Taehyung. What are you doing here?

Tae:- I'm here to spend time with Y/N, my future wife.

Y/n's mind:- Omo. Why do I feel like this when he called me that?

Tae:- And what are you doing here, Ms Choi?

Ms Choi:- Oh, I'm here with my friends for lunch. Want to join us?

Y/n:- No thank you. We are going to another restaurant.

Ms Choi:- Um... who are you to speak for Taehyung, and you don't have to come with us.

Y/n:- He is my future husband, and he is here to spend time with me. And I have every right to speak for him.

Ms Choi:- You are probably just a gold digger and slut. You don't deserve him.

Y/n:- And I suppose you think a bitch like you deserves him? Don't forget you are talking to me, you bitch. *pulls out gun*

Tae:- *shook*

Ms Choi:- Just because you have a gun doesn't mean you are powerful. I'll get you kicked out.

Y/n:- Oh really? Guards, teach this slut how to respect her elders.

*Guards took her away*

Tae:- I'm sorry for her actions.

Y/n:- Why are you sorry? She was trying to take you away from me.

Tae:- *boxy smile* Ok Y/n. Let's go eat now.

Y/n:- OK, Tae. *realises what she said* Um...I'm sorry.

Tae:- Don't be. That nickname is cute. Please call me that from now on.

Y/n:- OK, Tae. *you both go inside restaurant and order*

*You and Tae are talking when the waiter comes and starts serving the food. The rest of the day goes by peacefully, and you both enjoy each other's company and become close with each other*

|| At your house||

*You came home exhausted but happy*

Jimin:- Someone's in a good mood. *smirk*

*You turned and saw Elise, Jimin, Yoongi and Eun-Ae sitting at the dining table*

Elise:- Had fun, Y/N?

Eun-Ae:- You can see her face and find out she had fun.

Elise:- Oooh, what did you both do the whole day?

Y/n:- We went to the mall, where this random girl just came up to him and started acting all clingy and annoying. I got her dragged out of the mall.*proudly*

Jimin:- Someone is already possessive of their future hubby. *teases*

Yoongi:- Stop teasing the poor girl and let her rest.

Elise:- ...

Eun-Ae:- Ahhh, I can't wait! Grandma has arranged your wedding day after tomorrow!!

Jimin:- Eun-Ae! We weren't supposed to tell her till tomorrow!

Eun-Ae:- Sorry dad. I was excited. *pouts cutely*

Y/n:- It's ok, princess. You were happy. And this better not be a prank, guys.

Yoongi:- Oh trust me sis, this is not a prank.

Y/n:- *eyes shining* Really?

Jimin:- Yes, sis. You are going shopping with mom and Mrs Kim tomorrow.

Y/n:- OK. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go sleep. *leaves*

Yoongi:- I'm seeing her this happy after a long time. I hope she stays this happy always.

Jimin:- I agree. She looks like she will enjoy life with him.

Eun-Ae:- I know I'm not supposed to say anything here, but when will I get a cousin, mom?

*Jimin, Elise and Yoongi look at her in shock*

Elise:- You have stayed up too late, princess. Time to go to bed. *nervously*

Jimin:- Good night hyung.

Yoongi:- Good night chimmy and Elise. And good night to you too, princess. *pecks Eun-Ae on her head*

Eun-Ae:- Good night meow meow.

*Everyone goes to their rooms and falls asleep but Y/n stays up and remembers the fun day she had with Taehyung*

Hope you liked this part.

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Love you guys. 💜💜

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