Chapter 2

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A/N: hey guys btw this is my first book so please leave comments and let me know how it is! Please please please haha. love ha - TAYLOR
( Ava and Eden is Carter's bestie and roommates )

Eden and I are now waiting for Carter to get here. She should be getting here soon. By the way Carter, Eden, and I were best friends from high school.

"Ava!!!!" Carter and Eden scream.

"Oh sorry I was daydreaming" I laugh. not realizing Carter got here.

"Again" They chuckle at the same time.


I just walked through my dorm room tour and was greeted by a squealing Eden and a daydreaming Ava. I am so excited I am at college now instead of at home with my abusive murderer of a father.

"Carter what happened to your face?" Eden asks quietly after we all greet each other.

"Dad" I mumble

"Oh" she says "Well your side is over here and we should get your face cleaned up"

"Okay thanks" I smile a I drag my heavy suitcases to my designated area.

I have a small, but suitable desk, a high bed, a 4 drawer dresser, and a pretty descent sized closet.


x About 6 hours late x


So now we are walking out of our dorm room to go out frozen yogurt after the 6 hours of unpacking and cleaning my face. Then I bumped into someone and look up. I see two piercing green eyes staring back at me

"Sorry, excuse me..." I shyly state and attempt to walk away.

"Wait!" He says

I turn around. Oh god those eyes I can't even.

He says "I'm Harry by the way" with a lop-sided dimple filled smile.

"I'm Carter" I smile and look at the ugly floor.

"Where is your room at?" He questions.


"No way, mine is 316! So we are right across the hall from each other."

"That's great. Well my friends are waiting for me in the lobby."

"Nice meeting you, maybe we will bump into each other again" he winks and then smiles at me.

"Yeah hopefully!" I smile back and walk towards the stairs.

I don't think those beautiful green eyes will leave my head for a while.


I just bumped into the prettiest girl I have ever seen. She had gorgeous grey eyes with hints of purple in them. Her hair was long and platinum blonde. she ha no makeup on, but she was still beautiful. And she was shy and sweet.

I am glad I live across the hall from her. I think her name was Carter. She is so pretty. I think I could really get to know her. she lives right across the hall from Zayn, Louis, and I. An catty corner from Liam and Niall. now I am even more excited for college.

I am now in my room unpacking. I can't stop thinking about her gorgeous grey and purple eyes. And Carter is a beautiful name as well.

"Harry!!!!" Louis screams.

"I think I just had a mini heart attack, thanks Lou."

"Well you were spacing out you never space out"

"Thanks Walter"

"What are you spacing out about"

"Nobody... I mean nothing"

"Sure Harry sure"

But how can I not think of Carter and those eyes.

Those Piercing Green Eyes (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now