
11 0 0

I woke up in bed with a gasp.

Sweat dripped down from my scalp to my cheek, making my already cold face frozen. My ears were ringing loudly. Like a fairy was screaming into them. These symptoms didn't help the nausea I felt.

"W-What the fuck!?"

I quickly sat up from my bed and looked around aggressively. Everything seemed to be looking normal. Everything was in the right place.. except.. the paintings changed?

"Mmh, that might just be me.." I rubbed my eyes to the point I saw balls of color float around in my vision. I blinked them away and looked around again.

'How did I wake up here? Didn't I pass out in the hallway?'

Someone brought me in here, but I don't really want to think about who did right now. My stomach is grumbling, and I'm pretty sure I passed out after eating toothpaste and drinking orange juice. After eating those things.. I swear to god my soul was being ripped apart.

I did the same as last time; grabbed my cap, put it on, moved to the edge of the bed, and stood up. My balance wasn't all that well, but I managed to stay on my feet. I dragged my legs across the floor as I reached my bedroom door and opened it. Everything looked the same. Like, the dollars were back in their places, and the night seems darker again as it would than.. Wait.

I checked the time from where I stood and saw that it was exactly 4:00 AM.

"What the...? Was I dreaming?" I mumbled to myself. I shook my head and headed to the kitchen, grabbing money as I went and swiftly checked rooms in the hall before I actually had gone. This time, I got the amount needed for the breakfast, since I assume that me buying the eggs and juice were just a dream. Not like they were edible anyways after I accidentally burned my eggs. The note was the same as last time.

how to make good breakfast:
1. get egg
2. cook egg on stove
3. place cooked egg on plate
4. place orange juice
5. enjoy

I knew what to do this time.

With the needed amount in my pocket, I headed out and treaded the sidewalk to the store. There were more cars this time in the parking lot besides the one from the cashier. And as always, the road in front of the store was blocked off by cones. Interesting. I headed inside the store, and the door made a ding noise. It notified the cashier that I was there.

"just place an item next to me and talk to me when you're ready to buy."

Instead of slamming his arm against the counter, he was now leaning on his own arm, placing his cheek on his hand.

"..." I nodded and went over to the aisle with the egg and juice. The sphere caught my eye again, but I shrugged it off this time. There was no use in asking questions about it.

I grabbed the egg and juice off of the shelf and went over to the cashier to place the items next to him. He sold the items to me and I gave the money. I grabbed them and put them in my pocket.


He simply gave a nod.

I began to walk away, but the dream was bugging me. The dream where I woke up hungry and bought these exact items to make a breakfast for myself. Where I nearly burnt down my home. Where I might have literally exploded from eating the toothpaste with the orange juice.

I turned to the cashier.

"..This might.. sound weird." I began as I scratched the back of my head.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "...weird as in how."

"Really weird? I guess? Depends on how you look at it."

His eyes just showed more confusion as I went on about the topic.

"I had a dream last night where I did this exact thing, but it was more.. chaotic. Like.. my house nearly burnt down because I left the oven on to cook an egg while I searched for a dollar to buy juice."

"that's.. odd. why are you telling me this?"

"I wanted to know if that was actually a dream or if it was real. I just.. It seemed too realistic to be a dream, and I even woke up nauseas after I ate that... ate.." My voice became quiet as I said the rest. "the toothpaste and drank orange juice."

He let out a quick laugh, and I swear a light blush appeared on his cheek. "there's literally a note on the shelves saying not to do that. there was a reason."

"I know! But damn. I was hungry." I said while blushing in embarrassment.

He chuckled some more. "i'd never be that desperate, but anyway. that does sound weird. something with the only explanation of that happening is that we're in some poorly plot made fanfiction about some game about getting a snack at 4 AM."

I gave him a weird look.
"...That was super specific. Are you hiding something?"

"i wish i knew. these things pop up into my head as if i know them or something. probably nothing." He shrugged.

"Oh well. Thanks anyways." I waved goodbye, and he did as well.

"don't leave your egg cooking unattended this time!" He teased at me. My face flushed with a bright pink as I shook my head at him.

I left the store feeling a sense of relief, but also confusion, as my question wasn't actually answered. If anything, he made it more confusing. What the hell was that type of explanation?

. . .

I turned up the oven heat and placed the egg on the pan that sat on the oven. I already placed the juice next to the plate on the table, so all I need to do now is wait. I tapped the table with my fingers as I looked around the kitchen for a way to pass time. My eyes froze upon the chips.

"Hm. A snack won't hurt."

I grabbed the chips and popped them open, but god were they loud. Quickly, I ate the chips to stop myself from making anymore noise. It did work, as I was finished within a couple of seconds, but alas, I heard a door creak... And then footsteps...

He woke up.

My dad looked at me as he walked into the kitchen.

"I could hear you opening and eating those chips."

"Sorry dad.."

Suddenly my vision faded. Everything turned dark.


a/n: surprised i'm actually consistent with these chapters now. i'm so used to abandoning my stories after one chapter but i'm actually writing. wow!

cashier x y/n (GASA4)Where stories live. Discover now