Ran's laughter reverberated through the passage, "Hey, at least we're getting some quality bonding time, right?"

As the crew bantered back and forth, the tension melted away, replaced by a feeling of togetherness. You all knew you could rely on each other no matter what challenges lay ahead in Kaito's stronghold.

With Kakucho leading the way, he kicked open a hidden door, letting in fresh air and space after the cramped passageway. It was a relief to stretch your legs and breathe freely again.

As you stepped out, you couldn't ignore the mouthwatering smell coming from the kitchen. Your stomach grumbled in agreement, and you couldn't resist investigating.

"Is that... food?" you exclaimed, following your nose to the source.

"Looks like Kaya followed her nose," you chuckled, scanning the kitchen for any signs of activity.

While the others checked the gate for danger, you sneaked over to the fridge and found a treasure trove of sweets. It was like finding a hidden stash of treats in the midst of chaos.

"Oh hell yeah," you whispered, grabbing a plate and spoon to load up on pastries.

Mikey joined you silently, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the goodies. You both dug in without a word, enjoying the moment of indulgence.

As you and Mikey savored the last bites of the delicious pastries, you couldn't help but notice that the rest of the crew had already left the room. With a raised eyebrow, you glanced around, a smirk forming on your lips as you realized the oversight.

"Damn, they forgot us?" you remarked, a hint of amusement in your voice as you gestured towards the empty space where your comrades had been moments ago. Mikey, still lost in the flavors of the pastry, continued to eat at a leisurely pace, savoring each bite as if it were the last.

However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the sound of approaching footsteps echoing through the kitchen. Your instincts kicked into high gear as you tensed, the empty plate gripped tightly in your hand.

Before you could react, the gate suddenly swung open, revealing the chef who had prepared the delectable pastries. With a grin, you offered him a nod of appreciation, "These pastries were fantastic! You've got some serious talent."

But before the chef could respond, his expression twisted into one of panic, and he let out a shrill scream, "Guards!"

In an instant, the peaceful atmosphere of the kitchen transformed into one of chaos as the guards stormed in, their faces set in grim determination. With no time to waste, you swung the empty plate with all your might, the makeshift weapon connecting with the closest guard's face with a satisfying thud.

The guard staggered backward, his eyes glazed over as he crumpled to the ground, unconscious. "That's for ruining dessert," you muttered under your breath, a smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.

But there was no time to revel in your victory as three more guards rushed into the kitchen, their weapons at the ready. 

As you squared off against the approaching guards, a rush of adrenaline surged through your veins, fueling your resolve. With a silent determination, you swiftly grabbed a pair of knives from the nearby stand, the cold metal glinting in the dim light of the kitchen.

 Without hesitation, you hurled them towards the oncoming threat, your aim deadly and precise.

But the guards were quick to react, dodging the onslaught of blades. Curses escaped your lips as you watched some of your throws miss their mark, frustration gnawing at the edges of your focus. However, one of the guards wasn't as fortunate, his leg catching the brunt of your attack as a knife embedded itself deep into his flesh.

As he stumbled and cried out in pain, you wasted no time in closing the distance between you, your movements fluid and practiced.

 Channeling the teachings of ancient kung fu masters, you unleashed a flurry of strikes and kicks, each blow delivered with precision and power. With a swift and motion, you incapacitated one of the guards, leaving him crumpled on the ground in a heap.

Turning your attention to the remaining two guards, you locked eyes with them, a fierce determination burning in your gaze. 

Meanwhile, as the others made their way forward, Sanzu's attention was drawn to a figure standing in the distance. "Hey, y/n, check it out," he called out, gesturing towards the lone figure. "Isn't that Kaito's son?"

But there was no response from you, your focus entirely consumed by the battle unfolding before you. As the group turned to follow your gaze, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected distraction, Kakucho's voice cut through the tension like a knife.

"We lost Mikey and y/n," he muttered, his tone heavy with concern and frustration. The weight of his words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the dire situation they now faced.

Amidst the chaos , Mikey remained surprisingly chill, munching away on pastries like he was on vacation. While he was in his own little world of cream and flaky goodness, you were busy taking out the guards one by one, almost like you were knocking down bowling pins.

You dislocated one guy's hands, sending him howling in agony, and you were just about to finish off the last one when suddenly, out of nowhere, Mikey decides to join the party with a well-timed kick to the gut. Talk about crashing the party!

With the guard down for the count, Mikey grabbed your hand, and before you knew it, you were both booking it out of there like a couple of fugitives from a bad action movie.

As you made your grand escape, leaving the chaos of the kitchen behind, you couldn't help but let out a resigned sigh. "And yup, we lost 'em," you muttered, shaking your head in disbelief.

F R E A K S (Tokyo revengers Bonten x reader)Where stories live. Discover now