She thought of Aemond, Valaena secretly hoped that Vhagar would fly over, and that in at any moment he would swoop down and take her back home.

Those were silly thoughts, she knew that she couldn't abandon her duty. She shouldn't, not while the only reason her mother had left court was to hope and quell the rumors that circulated the family. That she was a bastard.

Valaena shuddered at the idea, pusing away the knowledge. She aqueezed her arms tighter to her side. It was cold, so cold.

"We have the godswood, it is to our left. I would be delighted to show you, of course. Your Highness."

No gardens then, only a forest. Valaena nodded, she shivered again. Clasping her hands together as she let the sleeves of her cloak cover her freezing palms.

"Please take my cloak Princess."

"No it is not needed." Stated Valaena as she quickened her pace. Wanting to be rid of him and his damned accent.

Jacaerys shot an apologetic look towards Lord Stark. Who nodded and let out a small sigh as the two continued walking aswell.

"She will come around. My sister is not-"

"I take it she did not know of the plans, up untill...."

"The day before we left. The Princess, Rhaenyra wishes to keep it that way."

Cregan Stark hummed, his voice heavy as he halted his step. He felt annoyed at how the Princess acted at first, yet he also wanted to give her some time to adjust.

He understood now, she hadn't known. He recalled her puffy eyes and swollen lips when the Targaryens had introduced himself. He had blamed it on their travel, the weather perhaps.

She had been crying.

Cregan felt conflicted as he watch her walk away, she was aiming for the godswood but had razed right pasts it's gates in her anger. Cregan turned to look at Jacaerys. "I intend for no secrets to remain between my future wife and I."

"I understand." Answered his betrothed' twin him. Hands folded together. Cregan watched the young Prince for a moment. He sighted softly before taking after Valeana, shooting Jacaerys a look, as if to tell him to wait for a moment.

"Princess, please, allow me."

Cregan had still carried the extra cloak with him. She might wish to remain stubborn, but the thought of his new wife dying because of a fever or cold irked him. So he held out the cloak. It's warm should persuade her.

Still she didn't give in. She looked away from him. Mumbling that she would be fine.

"If you are to be Lady of Winterfell, your Highness, it is best to-"


Cregan looked at her, puzzled, his brows pushed together.

"I'm not a Lady, I am a Princess, and you and every other member of your court, Household-" a smile started to form on Cregan's lips at the way she spoke. He had to hold back his laughter.

"may refer to me as 'Princess', even if I am to become your wife. I shall still be a Princess and thus I shall need to be adressed as Princess."

Cregan cracked a wider smile. His teeth showing. "There is no 'Princess of Winterfell' title."

Valaena hesitated, she couldn't demand there would be. The Lord's would riot, were they to hear that she had denanded a change in their titles.

"Then you may refer to me as Princess and Lady of Winterfell. I shall not suffer any loss of station."

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