The storm after a sucky day

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After I finished the assholes named Henry and Anna's paperwork plus my own it was almost midnight.

'Just great the hour when all the creepy people come out' is all u could think to myself as I left the office and started back towards my sucky ass apartment.

I mean hey it was better then nothing but it was still a sucky place no warm water, leaky roof, the power was constantly going out, and soooo much more but it was cheap. Soooo I wasn't gonna complain that much plus it is a roof over my head!!

I sigh something then stops me in my tracks. A laugh? In the alleyway. SEE WHAT I MEAN THE CREEPY PEOPLE ALWAYS COME OUT AROUND MIDNIGHT!!

And instead of running home strait away my stupid ass decided hey why not let curiosity get the best of me it's not like I wasn't one of those people who watched horror movies and yelled at the stupid person who just so happens to do what I'm doing right now witch is most likely gonna get me killed,kidnapped, or both!!

I round the corner and freeze as I see him....Dark Cloud the number one villain within my region. God he was handsome in person. He had black curly hair that went just below his shoulders. Grey eyes like a rain cloud. And pale skin.He was wearing a skin tight suit. A cap that stop just before it touched the ground and a black mask.

After a few seconds of gaping at him I snap out of it when I hear a snap I quickly look at the person he was holding. Has he Been holding that person the whole time?! What did he just kill a random person?! Oh god oh god oh god im such an idiot!! I then freeze as u here him speak

Dark Cloud:"well who do we have hear?~"
His voice was as dark as a damn cloudy night when there is a power outage.

Lillian(me): "uh um Lillian West um I like your cape" fuck im so stupid why just why you figured after a rough day I'd get a break! But noooooo turns out there is always a storm after a rough day for me.

Dark Cloud: "thanks i get it steam cleaned twice a week" I flinch out of my thoughts as I hear him speak. He smiles at me but not a im a harmless flame but a im gonna burn a whole city down flame type of smile.if that makes any sense.

Lillian(me):" that must be expensive" i wince at my stupid comment he is a villian he probably just-

Dark cloud: "not really all I have to do is threaten a persons life and i get it done for free" he chuckles darkly "you know usually people should have ran by now" he takes a couple steps closer to me

Lillian(me): "well i guess im just different ya know" I let out a nervous chuckle he starts to smirk witch imma assume is aimed towards the fact I'm backing away slowly from him as he gets closer

Dark Cloud:"ya know since you did just witness me kill someone Im gonna have to kill you now right?" He says with a now blank serious expression

Lillian(me): " what no I- oh will you look at the time it's getting late I should get home" I quickly turn and run back onto the empty sidewalk.

Of course leave it to me to get my super ass into a life or death situation and not know how to use my powers let alone control them. I run around a street corner and strait into a damn street sign head first I instantly fall to the ground I can feel myself about to pass out when I hear heavy footsteps coming closer.

Dark Clouds face then appears over top of mine

Lillian(me):"motherfu-" everything goes black

Dark Clouds POV:

I look down at the girl who i just had a chit chat with then she ran into a street sign. Witch left a huge ass dent in the street sign I may add. I let out a dark evil laugh at the fact I made her run into the sign and the fact she knocked her self out.

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