「Ria et Lézard」

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A small lizard climbed up the ever growing vines that spread across the side of a brick house. A window just barely cracked open left enough room for the lizard to sneak its way into the room upstairs. From the window sill, the lizard spotted a young teenage girl sprawled on top of her bed.

Her hair was tangled and messy as it covered part of her face. Drool slowly crept out from her mouth and onto the pillow she clung to. The blanket was rumpled and desperately grasped her legs as the majority drooped to the floor.

"Lézard, I can feel you staring at me," she groggily hummed.

The girl opened her eyes and stared straight at the small reptile resting on her window sill.

With a sharp inhale, the girl sat up and wiped the slight drool that stained her right cheek. She absentmindedly looked around her room and saw nothing out of the ordinary. The bright shining sun leaking into the room caused her to almost instantly pout. She yanked the blanket over her body and slammed her head back on her bed.

"Ay! We do this every morning! Can't you ever get off your lazy culata?"

The blanket was yanked out of her grip and exposed a young man looking down at her. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at how put together he appeared, especially this early in the morning.

The exposed part of his white shirt was buttoned perfectly. Even just his simple ruana seemed to be wrinkle free and flawlessly kempt. His hair was messily covering part of his face, but the curliness of his dark auburn hair made it work.

"Carlos, it's too early," she groaned, "Please, I just want to sleep in today."

"Ria Ortiz! I already warned you that I would have to wake you up early today."

She racked her brain for any idea about what he was referring to, but the morning traffic jam slowed her thoughts. The memory suddenly pulled up and she sighed in defeat. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wake her body.

"Alright. I'm awake."

"I'll see you later, then."

"Attends! You're not even going to stay for breakfast?"

"Mi familia needs as much help as they can get today," he scoffed in annoyance, "And guess who got lucky enough to get Mirabel duty."

"Oh. I'll just find you later."

The boy nodded before morphing into a lizard, once again, and scurrying down the vines. Ria watched as he settled back onto the grass to transform back to his human form. She waved him off and he reciprocated the gesture lazily.

Ria closed her window caught a view of her reflection in it. She mentally flicked her mirror-self off while scouring the floor for her hair brush. She spotted the brush and bent down to grab it, but not without tripping over something in the process.

After making herself appear presentable, she headed down stairs to the sweet aroma of freshly cooked breakfast.

"Bonjour, mon amour," her mother greeted her with a kiss to her head.

She scanned her daughter from head to toe and the displeased look upon her face wasn't in the least bit discreet.

"Is this what you are wearing tonight?"

"Maman," Ria groaned.

"Ce soir c'est spécial! You need to look perfect."

"Maman, I'm not even allowed to go what's the point?"

"That's no reason you can't celebrate like the rest of us. Besides, think of it as supporting your best friend's little brother."

Ria gave her mother a small forced smile and replied, "Well then you might want to start by making them look presentable."

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