"So what have you been up to since you were last here?" Kenna asked, putting down a clipboard.

Kyoshi shrugged, "managing a mess, multiple actually"

"Oh, well that sounds interesting" Kenna replied.

Kyoshi sighed and began to explain the portal thing, and how she would like to just try and close it, but she would most likely need help. It took a lot of power to open it, she didn't yet mention how she was the one of the people who opened it.

But she had allies that are water benders, but none that can spirit bend, and that it was the best way to deal with this.

"Well could I offer my assistance?" Kenna asked. Kyoshi and Rangi both shared a suprised look.

"I thought you said that you couldn't water bend" Rangi asked.

"I can water bend, and even spirit bend just not heal" Kenna trailed on. "I know it seems weird that I can spirit bend, and not heal. Especially considering the fact that I work in an infirmary." She gave an awkward laugh.

"I used to be teased becasue of that, I mean to be a woman water bender who can't heal just seems stupid."

"I'm sorry to hear about that," Kyoshi added, but Kenna just shook her head. "It's fine, the attention was always on my sister anyways, she was the protagy child. She can spirit bend and heal. The whole package." Kenna continued explaining.

Kyoshi thought for a moment, was it really okay to trust Kenna with this information? They had only known her for a couple of weeks. But it's not like she tried to sabotage recovery, or kill her in her sleep. Not that Rangi would have let that happen, but still good to note.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer." Kyoshi said as she stood up. Kenna smiled.

"We'll send out a letter later with the details" Rangi said as they went to the door.

"Perfect, I look forward to working with you both. As I said, this job is frankly boring, so you're really the ones doing me the favor." Kenna added.

Rangi nodded as they left.

Kyoshi had another meeting that afternoon, with some fire nation generals who were concerned about security. The sun rays beat into the room through the window leaving a warm glow. Kyoshi took a spot at the head of the table, but when another man tried to take the spot next to her she pushed the chair back in.

"That lieutenant Rangi's seat." She said shortly as she went to pull the chair out for Rangi who took it with a smug smile.

Though it was more common for one's bodyguard to stand behind them, and not necessarily sit at the table Rangi never dared correct Kyoshi when she offered a spot. Rangi's seat would always be next to Kyoshi's.

The only information Kyoshi felt like she could offer were the signs that someone had merged with a spirit so they could try to get rid of the problem before more members showed up.

Towards the end Kyoshi was asked the inevitable, "what are you going to do?"

Rangi watched as Kyoshi froze for a second, suddenly sitting straighter before she spoke. "I will go alone with a close team to take out the problem from the source. Then we will work outwards." She replied confidently. If only the men knew how false that confidence really was.

The meeting was seemingly peaceful compared to most, it gave Rangi time to think over the plan that they had decided on.

They would go to the nearest town to the portal, and camp out there for a night gathering information. Then go after the portal the day after, and after that was all dealt with they could start restoring towns. As well as give the fire lord the okay that he could start trying to get towns back as well without fear that more members would come to back up the fight. Simple

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