“Hey Stiles do you want to hear something?” Scott said sitting next to me at lunch table.

“Not really” I said biting into a sandwich.

“Wow what crawled up your ass and die” Scott said faking hurt

“Fine damn what do you want to tell me” I said devouring half of my sandwich already.

“You’re acting differently kind of like your hiding something from me” Scott said eyeing me suspiciously.

“Why would you think that” I said as I stopped eating.


 “It is just that we don’t hang out anymore…”

“That is not my fault that is all on you buddy,” I said interrupting Scott

“Yea I guess you ar...” Scott started saying. At this point I don’t care about this conversation. As I got up I said, “Yeah yeah whatever,” leaving him in the cafeteria.


Scott’s P.O.V

I can’t stop thinking about how much Stiles has changed in the past month or so. Today is the day I do real werewolf training with Derek so I couldn’t make Stiles tell me what is wrong.

Derek’s fist flew by my face as I rolled across the floor and jumped up, my fist passing by his face as he did a back flip onto a table. I pick up the table as I watched him slide down it and kick the table from the other end into me. I fell to the ground and Derek got on top of me with his claws out ready to punch me.

“Wait!” I said as I rolled out from underneath him.

“What more Allison stuff” Derek asks with that little eyebrow thing he does showing he is grumpy.

“No it’s about Stiles, I think he’s lying to me or us but I don’t know what it is about” I said as I sat on the ground.

“What could he be lying to us about,” Derek said as he stood up from all fours.

“I don’t know but there’s something going on with him and it is really starting to worry me” I said dusting myself off.

“Well he is your friend what do you expect me to do about it” Derek said helping me up.

“Could you just do something for me,” I ask with pleading eyes.

“Ugh sure let me guess you want me to talk to him” Derek said rolling his eyes.

“YES, YES would you please and I’ll practice more tomorrow” I said still looking at him with pleading eyes.

“That kid bugs me, he’s a little smart ass” Derek said

“Pleaaaaasssssssseeeeee...” I said giving him my puppy dog eyes

Derek’s P.O.V.

Kids these days have too much drama in their lives. I don’t even like kids and now I am the freaking babysitter to a bunch of kids. One wolf and well a teenage imbecile. I don’t even understand why I am doing this, I can’t believe I’m sitting here in his truck waiting for him. I am taken out of my thoughts when the Jeep door open and Stiles gets in the driver seat.

“Scott thinks you’re lying about something” I said causing Stiles to scream and jump out of his skin.

“What the hell are you doing in my Jeep?” Stiles asks placing a hand on his stomach.

“I will repeat myself Scott thinks you’re lying about something” I said looking Stiles straight in the eyes.

“I’m not lying about anything” Stiles replies placing his hands on the steering wheel.

“You’re lying” I said still glaring at him.

“I’m not lying” Stiles replied like a little child

“Yes you are and you know how I know this it’s because of your heartbeat” I said continuing my glare.

“But I’m not” Stiles said. I got tired so I grabbed the back of his neck and pushed his head into the steering wheel.

“Stop fine I’ll tell you” Stiles said grabbing my arm.

“Hurry up and spill it I don’t have all day” I said pulling my arm back.

“I’m… I’m…I’m…I’m pr…pre…pre…pregnant” Stiles replied softly instantly averting his eyes down to his feet.

“What you can’t be” I said looking at him.

“Then if you don’t believe me then listen to my heartbeat to see if I am lying” Stiles yells at me turning to look at me straight in the eyes


I listened hard and his heartbeat was there strong but with no sudden speed up or slow down it stayed steady when I started listened closer I heard a smaller faster heartbeat. Now I understood why Stiles was being so secretive he was with child, he was actually pregnant.

“Whose father” I asked.

“Scott” Stiles said instantly starting to cry.

Without even thinking I grabbed Stiles and held him in a hug and just let him cry.

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