We fall into a food coma

Comincia dall'inizio

Me, Rosslyn, Amphia, and Bo went down to the huge event while the pigeons held back to survey the area, just in case they could find Mamble from the sky. Until they reported back to us, we had to look for Mamble on the ground, but considering the size of the O' Bloo, it would definitely take a while.

It was massive, like a meteor crater. Trees were cleared out, leaving room for the giant festival. People of all different species ran, walked, played, ate, and sold throughout the O' Bloo. It was amazing that they could put their differences aside to enjoy this amazing festival. There were hundreds of food stands, mini shops, tents, and carpet markets all throughout the massive expanse of land. People sold food, tools, food, animals, and a lot more food all around. But if there was one thing they all had in common, it was their color.
The food, the animals, the toys and trinkets, all of it had a wide range of blue.

Blue cuisines, burgers, salads, sandwiches, ice cream, candy, sweets, cake, pies, skewers, and tons upon tons more food. I spotted blue pigs, blue cows, blue goats, and dogs, and chickens all being sold for well more than what they normally would be sold for. But if there was one thing that caught my eye, it was the only unique shop there, the Bluesmith.

Right at the center of the O' Bloo was a sturdy looking stone and metal house. Half of the house was outside, with poles holding up the ceiling that made the outside part of the house look like a stone porch. On the porch was a big blue anvil, and other than that, there wasn't a speck of blue throughout the entire bluesmith besides what seemed to brew in a large metal cauldron. Hammering at a steel sword was a large, burly... man?

From the neck down, they looked like a muscular barbarian, but their head was different. It was just a big blue milky eye with a big eye lid wrapping around its back, blinking every now and then. They must have noticed me staring because their eye slowly shifted over to me as they continued hammering. I felt a lump form in my throat and decided it was probably best to move on, but Rosslyn advised me against it.

"Wait, wait. I know this guy. He can help us. Hey Iro! It's me, Rosslyn!"
She jumped on my shoulder as if it would help him remember his dragon buddy in the form of a rat.

He stopped hammering and looked over at us, squinting as if trying to analyze us to be a threat telling lies or not. Then, in the blink of an eye, he dropped his hammer and started trotting over to us, shaking my legs more and more with every step as the eye man who was twice my size came at me like he wanted to pummel me. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me into the air. This was it. I would be torn in half before I could even say "Hello" or "How are you?" or "Pretty, please don't tear me to shreds?"

But thankfully, he didn't. He got a closer look at Rosslyn, who was hanging onto my shoulder for dear life. He grunted, then let go of me, dropping me to the floor. As Amphia and Bo helped me up, Iro trotted inside his bluesmith. Rosslyn jumped onto Amphia's shoulder and pointed at the Bluesmith.
"That's the guy we need to help your people back on their feet."

Iro was massive. He looked strong enough to carry a dozen anvils on his back without a sweat. If there was anyone that could rebuild and protect a village, it was him. I didn't know anything about who attacked the Klumpfs, not even their name, but I think if we had Iro on our side, the next fight would be in our favor.

The goliath came out with a large compass in his hand. As he came closer, I felt his shadow engulf me, his massive stature covering the light behind him. He dropped the compass in my hands, and I nearly doubled over from how big and heavy it was. Before I could even ask, he began to walk back the way we came without a word, which was fair since he had no mouth and probably couldn't make a sound either way. Amphia and Bo thanked us before following closely behind the giant.

Now, all we had to do was find Mamble, and then we could make our way to Artlandia. With the help of Iro, the Klumpfs would be more than capable of winning their war. At least I hoped so.
Rosslyn jumped from my shoulder to the glass of the large round compass. I didn't know how a large compass could help us. It could point north, sure, buy how would that help us find where Mamble went?

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