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The dim sunlight filtering through the curtains cast a subdued glow in my room, painting everything in gentle hues of gold. With my brother off to school and my mom away, the house was eerily quiet, amplifying the ticking of the clock on the front wall. It was already 3 o'clock, and I found myself fixated on the slow passage of time, yearning for the clock's hands to reach 4:30.

I lay on my bed, my gaze alternating between the blank wall and the steadily advancing clock. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, the silence of the house enveloping me in a strange mix of solitude and anticipation. The soft rustle of the curtains in the breeze was the only sound breaking the stillness, adding to the surreal atmosphere of the afternoon.

A tsunami of thoughts surged through my mind from the moment I woke up. Images and memories of our relationship, both the blissful moments and some painful conversations, paraded before my eyes as I lay on my back staring at the ceiling. 

The pleasurable memories flickered by like scenes from a cherished movie, bringing a bittersweet smile to my lips. I could almost feel the warmth of her laughter and the gentle touch of her hand in those moments. The time when we were holding each other's hand tightly sitting on the bank of the river with both our legs in the water. I wished the time to stop there forever.

As I lay there, trapped in this whirlwind of emotions, I realized that our relationship was a tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow, love and pain. And as much as I longed to escape this tumultuous sea of thoughts, I couldn't help but confront each memory, each feeling, head-on. It was a journey through the depths of my heart, navigating the turbulent waters of our past, searching for a path to peace and understanding.

Questions like "What am I going to say when I meet her? How will she react?" I pondered, my gaze drifting to the side. "Will she listen to me? Is she going to understand what I feel about this situation?" swirled in my mind as I sat there, memories of our moments by the river mingling with worries about what lay ahead.

"Aaaaah!" I sighed softly, feeling the weight of the uncertainty. "I'll figure out a way to dissolve her anger into the love she has for me," I resolved, a flicker of determination in my eyes. "Deep down, she cares for me, I know, right?"

"She's just a bit angry," I reassured myself, finding solace in the belief that her anger was temporary. "When her anger goes away, she'll be with me again," I whispered to the breeze, willing the words to manifest into reality. "We'll be happy and laughing again."

"I am going to make her anger go away anyhow," I declared to myself, injecting a bit of pep talk into my thoughts. "No matter what I have to do."

I lied there...........

 "It's 4:15," I murmured to myself, the urgency of time propelling me into action. "I should arrive early." The thought of arriving late and facing her sent a shiver down my spine, urging me to hasten my preparations.

With determination fueling my movements, I rose from the bed with a sense of purpose. Hurrying to my drawer, I sifted through the clutter until my fingers landed on a familiar item—a black T-shirt adorned with Naruto's theme. A gift from Diya, she had always known my fondness for the character, and this T-shirt held a special place in my heart.

"There couldn't be a better outfit for this day," I smirked to myself, a flicker of confidence and nostalgia in my eyes as I swiftly changed into the beloved shirt. Pairing it with a fitting pair of blue jeans, I completed the look with a spritz of my favorite cologne, letting its scent linger on my skin.

"I am ready," I declared aloud, a surge of excitement tingling in my chest. The anticipation of seeing her, coupled with the memories tied to my attire, filled me with a renewed sense of hope and possibility.

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