CHAPTER 20 | Day 5 Part 1

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"Kreek..." Denis sighs.

"I'll be fine. I'll go and wake Sketch up, and we can make the portal in that cave below our base." Kreek turns to leave, intent on this plan. He can feel Denis's eyes on him, those damn judging, pitying eyes, but he's not going to let it stop him. He's got things to do.

(Is he really that helpless, at least to Denis? If that's the case, he has to prove that he can handle himself.)

(He has to prove himself.)

Kreek swings the door open on Sketch, yelling loud enough for Denis to hear.


Sketch rolls out of bed, surprisingly bright and awake - even to him.

"Morning, Kreek - hang on, it's still dark, so what the heck." he complains as he looks around.

"Yeah, well, we've got work to do. We're going to the Nether."

"Wait, what? We are?"

"Yep. I do not want to have to pay Fight & Flight to get potions. Plus we might get some other useful stuff out of it, if we happen on any netherite."

"They've probably looted it all, dummy." Sketch responds. "We're not going to find anything."

"Well, even if they have, the only thing they could permanently get rid of is nether wart. That's cheaper than buying full potions. Come on!"

Sketch looks Kreek up and down for a second, before sighing. He was going to comment on Kreek's state, but decides that's a conversation for when he's more energetic. He'll need more tact.

"Alright, fine." he groans, and Kreek beams.

"Awesome! Follow me, we're going to make the portal underneath our base so that it's protected, and then we'll..."

Sketch only half listens to Kreek's rambling as he's too preoccupied with clearly showing his discontent to Denis. Denis just sighs in response, which is good enough for Sketch.

"So what are we doing?" Albert asks from behind Denis, scaring the life out of him.

"Jesus, Albert!"

"What? I'm just asking!"

"Oh, uh, we're going to go mining for redstone. And other stuff. Probably."

"Aw, can't we do something more fun?"

"Ask Kreek, not me." Denis says, pointing at Kreek leaving, trying not to seem annoyed.

He's really starting to dread how this day is going to go.


<bigbst4tz2> good morning, everyone!

<KreekCraft> Morning!

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Good morning, BigB!

<LeahAshe> Morning :)

<Sketch> hi.

<DylanHyper> Someone's grumpy.

<Sketch> someone woke me up early.

<KreekCraft> For a good reason.

<Sketch> for a stupid reason.

<Tanqr> L

<Sketch> tanqr i am going to turn you into goo

<Tanqr> that's not even a good threat

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