Keith felt a little uncertain of answering when they stared at him in such a way but he nodded nonetheless. He folded the sheet of paper up and tucked it into his pocket. He noticed the way Lance's eyes lit up at the piece of notebook paper and he didn't want him getting any ideas on snatching it. "Which, by the way. Hunk, would you mind getting some peonies ready for me? I can pick them up and pay for them during my lunch break."

The burly man nodded but as always, he waved the payment part aside. "Don't even think about bringing your wallet. Especially if they are for Pidge."

He nodded in thanks and didn't dare argue.

The Cuban sat up in interest, "How are you going to do it?"

"Once again, that's none of your business." He stood up from his stool, having opted out of breakfast due to the nerves that had been swarming his stomach all morning. "You're having lunch with her today and I don't trust you."

"Oh, come on! I've kept my mouth shut this long!"

Keith smirked, "Not risking it." He whistled for his dog as he made his way for the door and grabbed the pup dog's leash. "I'll see you guys later."

"Goodluck!" Hunk called from the kitchen and he closed the door and left.

Kosmo hopped around energetically in the fresh snow as they walked to the shop. With it being so cold, he normally would have opted for his bike or let Hunk take him to work on his way to his own shift. He didn't always work on Saturday so it wasn't ever a problem but that day was different. That day he was going in early so that he could get what he needed done work wise and still be able to pull off what he had planned.

And if all things went right, hopefully Pidge would be giving him a ride in her truck. To her apartment... As long as she didn't kill him.

God, he hoped she didn't kill him or even hate him.

The thought of losing her was almost enough to make him want to back out.

The thought of being more with her though, was what kept him firm in his decision.

Keith needed to be more with her.

As if he was a dying man in need of the sweet relief of lively air.

The breath of life.

She was his breath that kept him going and he didn't know who he was without her anymore. The all independent version of himself that had accepted the terms of being alone forever, was taking a break in the back seat of his mind, fingers crossed and heart open as it awaited her response.

He would never be the same if she turned him down. If she reacted badly and couldn't bring herself to forgive or accept him.

That was a whole different problem of its own. Forget her being angry with him for not being honest and for rejecting her. What if she just...didn't want him like that. What if his plans to get closer as friends backfired and she didn't want him because she had already gotten to know him. The real him. The him that she couldn't see a future with or anything other than a friend.

There were so many outcomes that were a possibility and only one was good.

There was one chance she could be overjoyed...happy. She could want him and need him in return.

But nowhere as much as he did her. It was funny. He was the one that started the rejection but he was now the one that was going crazy over his soulmate. He regretted it and he most likely would for the rest of his life. He hurt her. Keith caused her unmeasurable pain and she was undoubtedly still mentally and emotionally damaged from it, which was why he had to make it better. Make sure she understood that his intention wasn't to hurt her but save her.

Peony Petals (A Kidge soulmate AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя