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💜 Hello. My name is Drew and I'm glad you came back for book 2. Five years ago I just some punk 21 year old guy when I wrote 3 Way. I NEVER thought that the story would be so well loved that a second book would be asked for. But what you didn't know is that about three years ago I started this story, and decided to hide the first two chapters away because I never thought it was ever needed. Well, here it is. I really want to thank everyone that's stuck out and taken time out of your day to read stuff like this. Honestly, I just really enjoy adding a new perspective on someone we know very little about as a person. And I just really love writing what pops into my head. Anyway, thanks again, and enjoy the final story of Divinity and Prince. A new story will be coming May 15th 💜

Eight years have passed since Prince and I met in Greensville in 1982. So much has happened, good and bad. The good is that Jamie, Prince, and Camille were artists...individual artists, and they even wrote songs with their own names attached to them. Right now, Shockadelica was Camille's song. Prince was the primary owner of his music, and Jamie would write songs for other artists. BIG artists as well. I was so proud of all three of them. Now it was a new decade, and Prince was thriving in Minnesota, our home state, and all over the world. His dream had come true, and I was going on tour with him.

"Hey, Divinity. I'm home." I heard him walk through the door of the hotel we were staying at and I smiled at him as I sat up in our bed. "Hi, baby. Did you have a good show?" I asked him. He yawned and slid off his leather jacket. Prince's hair was now long enough to be past his shoulders. "Yeah, it was good. New band is kind of weird though, but it's working out. It's our first tour together, you know?" We were currently in California, but thankfully would be home tomorrow as this was the last of the touring for a little while. Prince tried to go on tour at least once or twice a year, which was hard on both of us as my mother and father were raising our son Dominic. Luna wanted to live with a family member she knew, and now it's just the three of us. Prince slid off his heels and joined me in bed and I gave him a kiss.

"I'm so ready to be home for the next while. I miss Dominic so much." Prince nodded. "I miss him, too. We all do. Jamie misses him the most." I hadn't seen Jamie in a long time. I missed him, too. Even Lisa even though she wasn't apart of his band anymore. Prince kissed me and rolled over so he was between my legs and I giggled before kissing him. "Prince, you need a shower." He grinned kissing my throat and the phone rang. I reached over to answer it. "Hello?" "Hi, mama." It was Dominic. I put my hand on Prince's forehead and pushed him away. "Hi, sweetie." Dominic coughed which worried me. He had been sick the last couple of days and I would call him in the day to check on him and he would call me at night. "How are you feeling, honey?" He coughed some more and I heard the phone being passed. "Hey, Delphine. He's still sick, but I'm gonna give him some aspirin to calm his fever down." Prince laid on my chest. "Okay, thank you, mom. I hope he didn't get sick at school." "He probably did. He's missed a week so far." I shook my head and sighed. "We're going to take him to the doctor and see if there's anything we can do to help him get better faster." I told her. "Is the tour over already? Oh, I thought I had another week." She seemed relieved and I frowned. The touring was taking a toll on my parents as they were stuck with watching Dominic until we got home.

"We'll be home at around noon tomorrow. Just keep him resting until then. We miss him so much." I said to her. "He's gotten a little taller since you last saw him, but he's gonna be so happy to see you. Dominic, are you ready to talk to mama and daddy?" She asked him. His coughing had stopped and I heard the phone being passed once again. "Mama?" "Yes, sweetie." "I miss you and daddy a lot." I could hear the sadness in his voice. "We miss you too, honey. We'll be back tomorrow and we'll be home til next year. Your daddy is working so hard." I heard him sniffle and that broke my heart. He was lonely.

"Can I talk to daddy?" I looked down and Prince took the phone. "Hey, little man. What's wrong?" I watched Prince's face and leaned up to stroke his hair. "I know, buddy. I love you. I know it's hard..." I could see the flicker leave his eyes and I kissed his cheek. "Dominic, I know. This time we're off touring and we can do whatever you want. We can go to that dinosaur museum in Minneapolis if you want to?" I could hear Dominic crying and I rubbed Prince's chest as I knew he would begin crying. "I'm sorry, Dom. I do love you. Mama loves you, too. We're gonna do anything you want when we get back." Dominic was so upset his coughing began to return and I leaned my head on Prince's shoulder and took the phone. "Honey, get some rest. When you wake up we'll be home, okay?" He sniffled. "Okay, mama. I love you." He said. "I love you too...and daddy loves you too. Goodnight, sweetie." I hung up the phone and Prince sniffled. His heart was broken. "I feel like this is my fault." He said putting his face in his hands. "Prince, don't blame yourself, okay? He's just sick and he wants us. Mom said he's been like this all week." Prince looked down defeated and I stroked his cheek.

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