
Start from the beginning

[M/N] actually felt pity on those poor girls who got rejected as he would watch from afar that this quiet and lazy boy would just reject them and forget about them like old play things. The murder glanced at Leon only for the boy fall his head into [M/N]'s shoulder, and [M/N] stayed there like "wtf?" As people glanced at the two boys, [M/N] hated the attention as June then glanced at her best friend. She gasped dramatically as she smirked. She looked away from her dear friend who was having a crisis, you may ask what the crisis might be.

Well, the crisis was that Leon was slightly popular, so our protagonist was literally being eyed by half of the school's student population. If he were to push Leon off him, people would just assume the worst and then rumors might spread. But if [M/N] doesn't push him off, immediately people are assuming these two have a close relationship which is completely false.

[M/N] is an anti social person, Leon is the same. [M/N] is a cold bastard, Leon is also a cold bastard but mostly a tired and lazy bastard. These two boys also have a cold gaze that could freeze anyone. They are like similar people, the only difference is that one of them is mentally crazy and unstable when it comes to anger. The other is a stable person and think things through when angered.

There's actually one thing that's a hard cold truth....

[M/N] is an awkward and shy boy when it comes to actually have the effort to talk to someone.

June didn't know that, but his mother did. As when he first met a kid on the playground. Little [M/N] was a nervous wreck trying to talk to the child on the same playground as him, only to mess up when he picked up a dead bug and chased the oof kid around...never again did he think he was going to make friends as his weird obsession to try to seem more friendly never did good.

So he acted like he is now, which is the true him as he hated to actually be around other people. It was like he was cursed into not having normal ass friends...sure he had June. But that damn girl was not fuckin normal.

AFTER THE ASSEMBLY ended, [M/N] woke up the sleepy boy on his shoulder. Our awkward teen did not have the fuckin time to talk to Leon as he had to walk June home. As Leon woke up, his dark onyx eyes immediately met with [M/N]'s dark and surprisingly soft ones at this moment. Leon eyes [M/N] curiously before walking pass [M/N] like he does to the girls in the school.

[M/N] honestly didn't care as he let out a breath of relief and started to walk home with his best friend.

"Sooo..how was it with Leon having his head on your shoulder?~" June says with a teasing voice as she nudges [M/N] jokingly. [M/N] scoffed as he pushed June by her bobble ass head. "It wasn't even anything..and you know that. He is just some random dude girls fawn over since he is so 'mysterious'.." [M/N] says as he grips his strap of his book bag.

"Yeah right, you're gay..."
"And you're fat."

June gasped as she hits [M/N] in the back of his head, "I am not fat asshole!" She yells before she huffs and walks ahead of [M/N]. The teenage boy laughed to himself before catching up to his dear best friend, but in the corner of his eye. He seen a man ogling June, but mostly to her skirt...that made [M/N]'s darken as his whole posture changed as well.

His back straighten as he grabs June by her hand. June looked up at [M/N] confused, he never had grabbed her hand before like this. Only if these two were in a crowded place or there was a lot of cars.

The man seemed to get the message, but not before whistling at June who seemed disgusted and gripped onto the teenage boy's hand. [M/N]'s face hardened as he now memorized the face for later.

"No one gets away with catcalling women...especially her."

LATER IN THE NIGHT, the man was by a gas station. He had clearly bought a fresh packet of cigarettes, his scummy mouth smiled as he lights up a cigarette and puts it to his mouth. He walks down the street as a figure watched from afar, flicking a Bowie knife between finger, to finger. The greasy looking man walks down a lamp post, he starts to hear footsteps behind him. Heavy footsteps. Not even light one. Supposing since it is night time, he was a little paranoid since no one was really out right of now.

The man turned around quickly to see no one, he slowly turned back around and kept inhaling his nicotine. But he kept hearing the footsteps get closer, and closer. Without hesitation he ran, but no without looking back and seeing that he was being chased by a person in a black hoodie and some jogger pants. The hood was up covering their face since it was so dark.

The older man kept running, only to trip on his own two feet. The man stumbled to get up only for his calves to be stabbed in by a sharp object. The man opened his mouth to let out a scream of pain, a gloved hand covered his mouth whilst he was dragged to a dark alley way.

"Shhh...no one will save your pathetic ass...I mean who will care for you anyway when your body is going to the morgue.." the cold voice says before the person ripped out the knife of one of the calves. The man screamed out, but it turned out muffle as the person smiled in the darkness. Happily kneeling down at the man who can't help but moan in pain from his calves being stabbed in.

"Hm..maybe I could chop ya dick off since you wanna whistle at underage girls...wouldn't that be so fun!?" The person exclaimed with a sickening cheery tone, it was damn near clear that this person was a psycho. The man muffled before the person realized he still had him muffled. "Oh right..can't talk can you?" The person let go of the man's mouth only for the man to try to scream out for help.

The man gets stabbed in his shoulder blade, earning a grunt out of pain. Scrambling in harsh bleeding as the man's clothes was getting soaked in blood. The period. Sighs before taking down their hood to reveal [M/N] having a light up gaze instead of a dark one. "Yknow..maybe you should've just been reported instead of this..hm?" [M/N] says with a pout as he puts his hand to his cheek as if he was thinking of something.

"But that wouldn't be fun would it..." he said in a cold tone as his light up eyes darken. [M/N] plunged the knife again into the man's other shoulder blade, earning a louder grunting scream from the man. [M/N] felt his phone ring, his mother was calling him for dinner. Instantly without the man to try to insult the teenager, his throat was slit, blood pouring out as the older man choked on his blood. Reaching to close the slit of this now opened throat, only to fall forward, eyes rolled back into his head and mouth wide open.

Blood spilled all over the floor as [M/N] cold gaze laid on the now dead man...

"Sorry, no hard feeling pal. But my mom needs me home." He says with a smile before kicking the now deceased man's head and walking off with a whistle of a tune.

[M/N] was happy to let out his anger on someone, and maybe next time it could be someone from that nuisance of a school.

[M/N] was happy to let out his anger on someone, and maybe next time it could be someone from that nuisance of a school

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