Chapter 17 Some Things Never Change.

Start from the beginning


*Hana & Bertrand*

Hana- "Hey Bertrand! How are you?"

Bert- "Lady Hana, I'm doing quite well. How are you?"

Hana- "Good, these two are keeping me quite busy." Bert- "And your wife? How is she doing?"

Hana- "We are divorced. She and I share custody of our kids." Bert- "Oh I'm sorry Hana, I didn't mean to intrude." Hana- "It's fine Bertrand. Things sometimes don't work out." Bertrand- "Anything you need? Anything I can do?" Hana- "No we're fine. It's such a beautiful day today!"

Bert- "It certainly is. Beautiful day for a Royal Ball." Hana- "Has Maxwell said anything to you about Riley leaving and why?" Bert- "Just that her son wasn't doing too well here and they had to return home, he's taking it hard, but I know he has already appointed a new Chancellor which he will be addressing in his speech tonight." Hana- "Oh really? Who is it?" Bert- "Rose Mckenzie. She came highly recommended and is related to the Princess of Bellemere." Hana- "Oh wow! I hope she is as good as Riley." Bert- "I think she will. I've been working with her and so has Maxwell. She is very educated on the matters of Cordonia." Hana- "That's great!! But nobody can replace Riley as a friend." Bert- "That's true, and we all will miss her, but she has a child that has to come first."


Drake & Maggie

**Dancing Under the Moonlight**

Maggie- Drake Walker, I believe you have been secretly taking dance lessons. {he twirls are around and then gives her a deep kiss}

Drake- There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you!!

Maggie- Oh? Would you get a tattoo for me?

Drake- "Hmm, what kind?" Maggie- "My name, right here on your chest." {she playfully traces a line on his chest}

Drake- "For you, I'll do it." Maggie- "Oh Drake, I don't need my name on you, I already know my name is there in your heart." Drake- "And that's where it will remain forever!" {Just then, a woman approaches them}

Woman- Drake? Is that you?

{Drake turns around and looks at the woman in shock}

Drake- Ashley??

Ash- Oh Drake!! {she gives him a tight hug} it's been so long since we've seen each other!

Drake- Sure has...

{Maggie clears her throat}

Drake- Oh, this is my wife Maggie and my daughter Sophia and son Theo.

Ash- "Oh , it's nice to meet you all!" Drake- "So what brings you to Cordonia?" Ash- I had gotten a call from my aunt Trish. She said that you had moved across the street from her. I was shocked that you were so close. I had to fly here and see you for myself." Drake- "You came all the way out here for me?" Ash- "Of course Drake! We still have things that were left unsaid. {she looks at Maggie} see Drake and I used to be high school sweethearts, we were actually thinking about getting married!" Maggie- "Oh really? I haven't ever heard Drake mention you." Ash- "That's no surprise really, Drake was so depressed after I left." Drake- "Well that's not entirely true, I wasn't that depressed. True I was upset that you left, but I got over it." Ash- "That's not how I heard it." Maggie- "well I hate to break up this little reunion, but we have friends to get back to!" Ash- "Oh of course. I'm going to be in town for quite some time, maybe we can get together soon!!" {She gives Drake a hug & a kiss on the cheek}

Maggie- "Well..." {she looks at Drake with her arms folded} I guess you have secrets that I'm not aware of." Drake- "Now Maggie, don't let this go to your head. That was kids stuff a long time ago." Maggie- "Why didn't you ever tell me about her?" Drake- "Maggie, it wasn't a big deal." Maggie- "Then you should've told me." {she walks away} Sophia- Daddy why is mommy crying?" Drake- "She'll be okay, let's give her some space, okay?" {They walk over and join Hana and her kids}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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