Chapter one

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"I love you," he said softly as the blade pierced his heart.

That was a quote from a book I loved as a kid

(not actually..)

I love you was always a weird saying to me. Like, how could you love someone? I never loved anybody, as everyone I could love has left well, until I met him. Whose "him" you might ask, well. He's the best man you'll ever see. His gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair. Ahhh, I could just melt thinking about him. I wonder how big hi-

My thoughts stop as my best friend hits me.

"Stop thinking about Jay, Vin," she says.

"How'd you know!?" I exclaim, shocked.

She points to my cattail, which is calm now, but I guess it wasn't then.

"But he's just so hot," I say.

My friend is a little different than me. She's also Jay's brother. Bella was always my friend since we were in kindergarten, at least, We always hung out and never had any fights. Her green eyes look like emeralds, and her dyed hair shines bright pink in the light. I've liked her brother since 

the summer of 5th grade.

Me and Jay were at a park singing on the swings when I fell off. He rushed over immediately and checked if I was hurt. Augh... I could just melt thinking about how peaceful he looked.
Before any more thoughts appeared in my mind, she hit me again. "Come on, Veevee. Stop thinking of my brother. Or at least do it in your own time." She scoofs.

I look up, snapping from my thoughts. "Fine," I say, clicking my tongue. "I'm coming to your house after school," I say.

*After school*
As I drive to her house, I start blasting music. I turn it down as I pull in.
I hop out of the car and walk to the front door, walking in without knocking. "Gee! Veevee! You scared me," she says, holding up the knife she was using to cut carrots.

"I told you I was coming!" I tease.

I laughed softly until I saw her brother walking down. Looking tired.. And so very hot and-
"Hello," said a deep voice.

I feel my face burning up. "H-hello, Jay," I stutter, avoiding eye contact. I scoot closer to Bella. "I'm staying here tonight, Bells," I whisper.

She scoffs, "Ok, but don't flirt with my brother." She whispers back.
Her brother grabs cold water and heads back to his room.

I sat down at their island. "Sooo, is your brother gay?" I ask.

"I think he's bisexual, but you aren't dating him," she says, casting a quick glare.
I sigh, "Whatever you say, bells."

a few hours later

I look over to Bella to make sure she's asleep. I smile softly, and I sneak out of her bed. Quietly, I walk out of her room and gently close the door. I sneak over to her brother's room and knock softly. "Come in," he says. I walk in. "Hello, Jay. We should get to know each other," I say. Me and him were never really friends. We just played on the play grounds together in elementary school sometimes.

He chuckles softly, "I know you like me," he says, walking closer to me, a smirk playing on his face as he pins me to the wall and grabs my chin. I blush brightly. "o-oh really?" I stutter.

He doesn't say anything.

He examines me for a second, then leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back, running my hand through his hair. He pulls back. "You're cute," he says, still smirking.

"Why d-did you kiss me?" I stutter.
He chuckles and ruffles my hair, "So adorable~" He hums quietly. "I like you too," he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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