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Name:Hoshiko Hannamiya Colline

Heigth:same heigth as the twin



Starsigh: Arise

Birthday : March 25,16 years old

Rose color:Black and Blue


anime,animal,drawing,blue,black,white,electric guitar,
,icecream,cookies,all sports,her best freind Haruhi

Dislike:pervert,traitor,bullies,when someone is waking her up you better run because the daugther of satan will bring you to hell

Hobbeis:skateboarding,motorbiking,drawing,singing,listening to music,playing her electric blue color electric guitar,

Apperance:a black/dark blue boy cut hair,sharp electric blue eyes ,pale skin,soft pink lips,flat chest, a bit tone because of the sports,curvy budy,alway wearing a hoody or scarf,always bring her electric blue headphone,

Personality: emotionless,calm and collective ,very smart,tomboy,she only speak when its needed,she only show her emotion when the person she trust,cool,she has soft spot for animals or kids,she over protective to her freind,she can tame any animal  and some inhuman ability

Bio:Hoshiko is a girl that hardly to trust you,and some people  think hoshiko is guy because of her apperance and attitude as boy, she is a half America and half Japanese ,very good at martial art,kento,judo,self defense and pro at all sports,she's not very rich or poor just a averege person,Haruhi is her best freind since elementary ,she's once live on Japan but move to America to finish her midle school there because of her parents work but she still keep in touch on Haruhi.

Bio parents: Nathane Colline ( father alive) Hannamiya Akira ( Mother alive ) Alex Colline ( brother alive ) Haruku Colline ( brother alive )

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