xli ; teenage hormones

Start from the beginning

Then last, and least, Karkaroff with a six.

Two medi-wizards came running into the arena and helped Cedric out. He was having trouble staying up right, and I felt like I was going to be sick from watching him struggle to stand. Even from this far away, his burns were obvious.

"One down, three to go!" Bagman yelled as the whistle blew again. "Miss Delacour, if you please!"

Fleur went next, and she went quite successfully. She had flawlessly enchanted the dragon to sleep, but when she made her move for the egg, it snored and blew a large jet of fire at her which caught onto her skirt. After a few moments of panicking, she managed to put out the flames and collect the egg. She received thirty-six points, for getting thrown off track.

Then came Krum. He confidently went into the arena, and pulled his wand out before the dragon even knew he had entered. Wordlessly, he shot a purple string of light at the dragon, and it's eyes went black. He had blinded the dragon. After several minutes of dodging the dragon's angry stamping and gusts of fire, Krum managed to collect the egg.

He received forty points. He had gotten a few points taken away, since the dragon had accidentally crushed a few of its real eggs amidst all of the stomping.

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task." Ludo Bagman announced as Krum walked out of the arena with the egg in his hands, unharmed.

The nasty Hungarian Horntail was unsurprisingly reserved for the final champion; Harry.

"And now, our fourth and final contestant." Bagman said, and the crowd went oddly wild for him. It seemed like they had all forgotten about their hatred for him. Perhaps it was after seeing what the older teenagers had to face, and now they felt bad for him.

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" We all yelled as his small figure appeared from the rocky tunnel. We all fell silent as he began to walk forward towards the golden egg. Suddenly, the dragon swung its tail at him, barely missing and colliding into the mountain as Harry ducked. The explosion sent him rolling down the rocks, and he quickly scurried to his feet and ran behind a large mound of rock. The dragon hissed the flame at the rock as it stomped forward. Its tail swung again, throwing Harry across the arena.

"How the hell is he still alive?" I yelled as the whole crowd gasped. Harry had gotten back to his feet and circled under the rocks. Temporarily shielded from the dragon's view and pointed his wand towards the castle. He yelled something incoherent, and I severely hoped it was Accio. Lord knows how he'd live if it wasn't.

There was a loud swooshing noise above us, and for a moment, we all forgot about the giant dragon that was trying to kill Harry, and focused on the broomstick that was flying over our heads.

The Horntail set the rock he was behind on fire, giving him no out until the broom came flying to his side over the deep cave in the center of the arena.

"No way." I muttered to Hermione as Harry began to brace himself. "He's not that stupid that he'll jump is he?"

He jumped.

Somehow, miraculously, even though he had to of been blinded by the bright fire, he made it onto the broom and zoomed towards there sky out of the Dragon's reach from the ground. It took off towards the sky, its chain around its neck.

"Great Scott, he can fly!" Bagman yelled as the crowd shrieked and gasped. "Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?"

Harry soared higher in a circle; the Horntail was still following his progress; its head revolving on its long neck. He was trying to make the dragon dizzy.

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