05 : a very long day

Start from the beginning

Zinnia knocked on the pale blue door, and waited. She could hear laughter, one of the windows was open, and Denmark's voice floated out towards her. She was doing that silly baby voice to Bowie.


Juno's smiling face appeared around the door, and she opened it further, pulling her sister into a hug.

"Hey, Junie."

Zinnia hugged her tightly, Juno's chin resting on her head. It had been a while since they had hugged like that.

"I've missed you." Zinnia's voice was uncharacteristically quiet.

"You saw me the other day."

"Yes, but not properly. We should do something together soon."

"Definitely." Juno smiled a warm, maternal smile at her youngest sister. "Come on in."

Juno stepped back to let her in, and Zinnia kicked off her shoes, before following her sister into the kitchen. Denmark was leaning against the counter, holding Bowie in her outstretched arms and bouncing him up and down. Froy watched them, a quiet smile on his face.

"Hey Zinzin!" Denmark turned Bowie in her arms so that he was facing Zinnia. "Can you say Zinzin, Bowie? Can you say Zinzin?"

"You better not talk like that all day."

"I will talk how I want!" Denmark still spoke like she was addressing a toddler.

"We should be going now, thank you so much you two for looking after Bowie, I was scared I was going to have to ask Sage, and I really don't think he can look after himself, let alone my child. There's baby food in the fridge in case he gets hungry." Juno hurriedly kissed her sisters' cheeks, and took Froy's arm.

"We'll be back in a few hours." He murmured.

Denmark and Zinnia watched them go.

"They're sweet."

Zinnia hummed in agreement.

"Okay, Bowie!" Denmark broke the peaceful silence, in which the infant in her arms had been babbling contently. "What do two year olds like to get up to?"

Zinnia pressed her palm to her forehead, taking a deep, shaky breath. A headache was blooming behind her eyes. She had just gotten home, and Bowie had been a handful. He was a sweet boy, but God, was he loud. Timothée was supposed to be picking her up soon, so she took a few painkillers and started to do her makeup. She had planned what she was going to wear days in advance (to say she was excited to see Timothée was an understatement) and had gone with a black midi dress with white polka dots, her 'good luck' dress. She had yet to put it on, however, as she was running just a little bit behind.

A loud knocking rang out through the house, and she leapt up from where she was doing her mascara on her bedroom floor. She ran down the stairs, and opened the front door.

"You're not ready?"

He looked good, really good, all dark, messy hair and casual clothes, his suitcase behind him.

"Uh, no, I'm sorry, I was just babysitting Bowie, but I'll be ready soon."

Timothée shook his head quickly.

"No, don't rush. I sound like a real dickhead, sorry." He pulled her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her hair.


Zinnia stepped back, letting him into her house, and he dragged his suitcase in.

"You can put that on my bed." Zinnia threaded her fingers through Timothée's, pulling him up the stairs behind her, and he followed dutifully.

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