"Should we know?" Lily laughed at how confused her friend sounded. She felt like a mom with a little child who is interested in something and constantly asks, 'Why?'

"Danny didn't understand your conversation, and neither of you wanted to tell us what you were actually talking about, so I won't tell you what you did to charm him so much that he's asking about you after twenty-four hours," she explained, "maybe I'll tell you if you tell me what you were talking about."

"I'd rather stay in blissful ignorance," Mira smiled and returned her gaze to the streets they were passing through.

It wasn't a secret what the pair had actually talked about. It wasn't a particularly long conversation, and they really only talked about when Mira had last been in Japan, and then they talked about their favorite food and whether Mira would be at more races. Mira also asked Yuki how he felt about qualifying and overall about the whole season - he was already in the car, so she wanted to know if he felt good.

They both probably found it funny to be secretive about it. As if they were discussing something absolutely secret. As if they were planning to write a song together or that Yuki would appear in her music video.

However, nothing like that was happening. Mira didn't even think of it because she hadn't finished her album yet, so making a music video was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. First, she had to sort out the songs, and only then could she move on to all the aspects related to album production. The music video was at the bottom of the list.

"Did you write any songs yesterday?" Lily asked to change the subject.

"I wanted to, but I didn't have any inspiration, so I went to sleep because I'd rather get some rest than force myself," Mira replied, "nothing interesting has happened to me in the last few months, and I haven't seen or read anything interesting, so I don't have any ideas at all."

"An idea will definitely come," Lily smiled at her, "and I believe it will come soon."

The journey continued in silence or they answered the driver's question, who only realized after the girls fell silent who he was actually driving. When he dropped them off, he didn't forget to add that they should wish Oscar a good race and that he would hope for a good result.

Mira had to laugh when Lily nodded to everything and promised him that she would convey it to Oscar. The girl knew very well that Oscar's wishes for a good race would never reach him because she wouldn't say it, and Lily certainly wouldn't either.

"So come on, your man is waiting for you," Lily grabbed Mira by the elbow and walked with her to the paddock. For a moment, the girl absorbed what her blonde friend had told her before she stopped and looked at her. The girl grinned from ear to ear.

"You're annoying, you know that?" Mira objected and tapped her card on the turnstile to enter.

The pair often teased each other like this. It used to be more fun because they were both single, so they made fun of every guy who paid a little attention to one of them. But then Lily got together with Oscar, and the fun disappeared because Mira couldn't say anything about Lily anymore, only the blonde could make jokes about the Asian girl - it was fun, but only one-sided. Only Lily enjoyed these jokes; Mira wanted to bury herself.

It bothered her how she couldn't casually talk to a guy without everyone around thinking they were dating. She was starting to get used to the fact that fans would do this anyway because they just wanted their favorite singer to be happy, but friends could skip these childish comments. They were adults now, so they didn't have to joke that the pair was dating when they understood each other a little.

"Ladies!" Danny appeared next to Mira. The girl twitched as if startled because she didn't expect to run into the athlete so soon. They had just passed through the turnstile, and Daniel Ricciardo was already sticking to them.

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