Night stroll. [Macabre + Radiant NOT a ship] 🍬📌

Start from the beginning

Radiant_Day smiled slightly and then stopped walking for a moment, searching for his gun at his belt as a precaution. it's not there... his gun was not there. "I- I forgot my gun at the theater." He mumbled, he looked at Macabre_Day quickly. "I can't find my gunn!"

Macabre_Day felt more annoyed as the time went on, he did not speak at all, he had a 'seriously??' expression, he was deciding what to do in the situation, formerly he was planning on just leaving Radiant there but as much as he did not want to admit it he did feel a bit guilty for making him remember his trauma so he sighed and then spoke in a tired tone"I suppose I could accompany you there, it is not safe out here."He acted as if he was irritated, which he obviously was but he also felt a bit bad which he would obviously not admit.

Radiant_Day only nodded and kept walking while looking around once again."I apologize for causing trouble, It doesn't really happen often... I guess, I was just zoned out there." Radiant_Day looked at Macabre_Day again "Do you really love walking around at night time? you know it's very dangerous for you too... Especially at night times... I'm not a big fan of darkness haha.."

Macabre_Day ignored his so-called apology, he didn't want to show sympathy at all so he just continued walking for a bit. "Yeah, it's peaceful alright, I don't care if it is dangerous, the shadows fascinate me." 

Radiant_Day looked at the ground nervously while walking the word "shadow" was enough to make him feel uneasy." I see. But I don't want to lose anyone I care so, that's why I'm worried about you." he stopped walking and stood there"I'm worried about everything. I love this city. I don't wanna lose it. And I love what's in this city too."He had no idea why he was telling these currently maybe it was because he was feeling down, it used to happen back there when he was just playing his guitar at the "Aurora Republic" as a Dawn.

Macabre_Day wanted to say something sarcastic though he thought about it (HE'S ACTUALLY THINKING FOR ONCE??) and decided against it."Maybe you should care for yourself more than others, it won't get you through life by caring so much for people."That was... probably the most sincere Macabre_Day had ever shown himself as.

Radiant_Day stopped for a second and looked at Macabre_Day again"You may be right.. but I can't let anyone else experience what I experienced. It's like my reason to live! After making music and being an operative of course haha.."He smiled slightly as he decided to take a look at the city again

Macabre_Day had quite the objections to that statement, obviously, not everyone had the same perspective on the world but he decided it was probably best not to start an argument at such a time, they both continued walking, Macabre_Day suddenly felt quite paranoid, he felt as if they were being followed, he ignored the feeling for a while until some strange-ish screams were heard, they sounded rather otherworldly, the screams instantly alerted Macabre_Day as he grabbed his gun and turned around to see THREE-night creatures which were screaming extremely loudly, the noise was loud enough to break through glass, Macabre_Day immediately started shooting at them, with a few bullets the creatures were shot dead immediately, though Macabre_Day felt even more irritated as put his gun back, he spoke in a rather tired tone."This city seriously needs to be protected better."

While all this was happening,  Radiant_Day quickly cowered back and covered his ears with his hands"Loud noise.. noo! not again."The loud voice he heard before he died came to his mind and he closed his eyes where he was cowering tightly. He is not even aware of what is going on around him, it seems as if his mind suddenly went to another world.

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