"What do you want for dinner?" He asks as the traffic starts to move once again. I shrug my shoulders and lean my elbow on the inside of the car door.

"Well you better pick or I will just make pasta for the fourth time in a row." He states, rolling the windows down slightly to let some cold air in. I'm freezing, he doesn't need to open the fucking windows.

"I'm not hungry, I don't want anything." I say, rolling up my window and resting my head in my hand.

"I'm not taking that bullshit excuse again, you refused to have breakfast this morning and you didn't have any lunch. You have to eat dinner." He says firmly, looking at me raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I'll have a garlic chicken kiev, but I'm not eating anything else." I mutter, rubbing my hand over my face.

"What's that?" He asks, pulling into the supermarket car park. "We can see if they have it here." He adds, parking his car in a space and taking the keys out.

"It's chicken with garlic sauce inside, coated in breadcrumbs. It's really good, you should try it." I say quietly, opening the car door and getting out.


"Have you ever been ice skating?" Theo asks as we walk down the metal stairs to get to the ice rink.

"No. I've got no clue what to do." I laugh as he adjusts his skate bag on his shoulder. He plays ice hockey, so he's really good at ice skating.

"I can teach you." He smiles as we sit down on a bench downstairs. "Give me your shoes, I'll get you some skates. What size are you?" He adds, standing up and putting his bag down on the floor.

"Maybe a three?" I say, not really knowing. It depends on what brand of shoe it is. Sometimes I'm a size 2, sometimes I'm a size 3 and sometimes I'm a size 4.

"Ok." He says before walking away and coming back a few moments later. He hands me the ice skates and I put them on, tightening them afterwards.

"Are they alright?" He asks, pointing at my skates. I stand up and walk forward a bit in them. They fit well. I nod my head and him and he smiles at me.

He pulls the laces of his skates tight and ties them around the top, standing up and leaning forward slightly to check they're tight enough.

"Let me put my bag in a locker and then we can go on the ice." Theo says, grabbing his bag and getting a Euro out of his pocket and slotting it into a locker. He puts his bag in and closes it, pulling the key out and putting it into his jeans pocket.

"How did you get Max to let you come today? I assume you're grounded." Theo says, walking towards the ice. It's pretty quiet today as it's a school day, so there aren't many people on.

"I snuck out." I admit, smiling slightly. Theo steps onto the ice and turns around to face me. I grab the side of the rink and slowly put my foot onto the ice. It's slips from beneath me and I almost fall over but catch myself on the wall.

"Careful." He laughs, gently grabbing my arm to keep me from falling over. "Push like this." He adds, turning his feet out slightly and pushing forward.

"What if I fall over?" I say, gripping the wall. He smiles and skates over to me.

"It'll be fine, it doesn't hurt." He assures, holding his hand out in front of him. I grab his hand and push away from the wall. Theo pulls me along, as we skate around the rink.

About half an hour goes by and I haven't fallen over yet. I let go of Theo's hand and skate along. He slows down and skates next to me. I feel like I'm moving so fast, but I'm probably not.

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