𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2

Start from the beginning

"Harushit talked crap about Fuyuka and I hit him with a random ball," Seol replied simply. She leaned back on her chair with an uncaring expression, "and he got a nosebleed because of that. Weak ass bitch."

"You gotta tone down your swearing when we're at school," Masuyo said as she scrolled through her Twitter page; looking for any posts about their band.

"Sorry," Seol mumbled out.

Bored out of her mind, the brown-eyed girl rummaged through her bag and pulled the letter she got yesterday: "is anyone actually going to this meeting?"

"I am," Fuyuka said, "I have nothing to do so..."

"I mean except for band practice, me too," Masuyo joined in.

"I'm also going," Chiyo added lastly.

"I guess I have to go then..." Seol concluded despairingly, "when is it?"

"In like 40 minutes; we should get going now then," Masuyo stood up, picked up her bag and waited for the others to do the same.

"Yeah we should," Fuyuka did the same and the remaining two followed.

The four girls arrived just 10 minutes before the meeting was supposed to begin. Opening the door to the room, all they could see was 7 other girls just standing around; either talking to another girl or scrolling through their phone.

"It's hella empty here... I thought this was supposed to be something grand," Fuyuka commented while sipping on her strawberry milk that she got on the way here.

"I know right," Chiyo nodded with a nonchalant face that she always has.

"Maybe everyone's late?" Masuyo said.

"Nah, but that'd be funny," Chiyo snorted; her cheeks slightly puffed up, as she held back her laugh.

Walking closer to the stage, Seol looked around the room and took in the few different people in there with her: one had bright red hair, another was ginger and another girl had split colored hair. As she continued taking in the new faces, the light suddenly turned off and the only one on was the stage light that was directly pointing at the center: where a tall, lanky guy with bad posture, bowlcut and glasses walked in.

"Welcome, you unpolished gems." He began, "all 11 of you were chosen to be here today."

All the girls' expressions were one of furrowed eyebrows or widened eyes when they took in his introduction.

'Chosen? What does he mean by chosen? Is this some kind of soccer cult?' Seol thought to herself.

"I am Ego Jinpachi. My job is to create a team that is capable of winning the world cup," the man, apparently called 'Ego' continued, "to put this in simple terms... I will forge the best strikers in the world through a certain project,"

The girls shared a look all together that they all understood: 'what is he talking about?' As of now, this Ego guy was talking nonsense to them.

"For this very purpose, I have built a facility for both boys and girls to participate in this project," he paused maybe for dramatic effect and the slide behind him changed to one that looked like an actual prison, "called 'Blue Lock.'"

Everyone's face contorted even more at this guy.

"Here, I will build a team of girls who will make a change in the world of soccer; a team that will make history within women's soccer." he went on with his crusty expression, "that's why I specifically chose you 11 girls to be in the first girls' Blue Lock team."

"That's all for the details. Nice to meet you all."

The crowd all looked up at the man standing in the fluorescent spotlight and all wondered to themselves: 'is this guy for real?' Then a girl with blonde hair spoke up: "what exactly do you mean by 'change in the world of soccer'? Just curious."

The bowl cut man smirked at the question as if he expected it, "we all are aware of the disgusting mentality that is grown around any sports; especially soccer. What I will do is create more opportunities for Japanese people to participate in soccer regardless of gender... that way there'll be more prodigies that'll guide us to complete world domination."

"So you just want Japan to win the World Cup?" the blondie said simply.

"No, it's more than that, I want to expand the world of soccer through your team," he corrected her.

The girl nodded at his answer, now getting his message.

"Now, if there's no more questions..." he waited a bit as if signaling that this was the last time to ask, "step through the gate."

When he finishes his sentence, the wall behind him splits in half dramatically with gushes of wind sweeping his hair forwards like an important anime scene. The girls, all looking so done, simply walked to the gate, taking their sweet time (unlike the boys smh).

Seol debated in her head whether to actually join or not, however, in the end, she decided to join just because she'd rather participate in this project than write an apology letter to a boy.

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