Dirty Niall Imagine - Drunk Again

Start from the beginning

"Why are you making this about you, like it's such a big fuckin deal for YOU to know what's wrong." He spoke and his voice got louder "Why don't you ever care and ask for me and not just yourself. 'I feel neglected blah blah bullshit'" I couldn't believe what he was saying. All I ever did was care for this man even though he treated me like shit. I wasn't gonna stand around and let this happen.

"I DO fucking care about you! You are just so goddamn drunk all the time you're too blind to see." He got up out the chair to face me. I just had to let it all out. I started yelling, "Niall you need to your fucking like together and stop worrying about yourself. Maybe if you opened up and stop pushing people away, the people who love you, you would get help! Stop acting like a fucking prick all the time! Yes, I am gonna worry about myself because you are never fucking here!" My face was red and hot. I was fuming. I wanted to cry as well. I looked at Niall and his face was becoming agitated with anger. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist. I knew I should have stopped but I needed to let it out.

"If you really loved me, you would show it! Maybe all the stuff you did before was all a bunch of bullshit!" I went too far. I knew it. But what happened next was something I wasn't prepared for or even expected.

He hit me.

Niall Horan hit me. On my right cheek. The hit so hard I flung into the counter. I gasped out in pain. That son of bitch hurt. I would expect the last person on earth to hurt me would be Niall. Even in his drunken state I wouldn't expect it. Holding my face while I looked up at Niall I saw his face red. Nostrils flared eyes so dark they could be black. I've never seen him like this, he looked like a monster. I ran up stairs to our room and locked the door. Finally the tears that I knew would come, flooded out onto my cheeks. Niall came to the door 5 minutes later pounding on it and shouting my name. For 20 minutes all I could focus on was the loud bangs and yells from Niall in a desperate plea to open the door, and the sound of my sobs. I was so heart broken. Where do we go from here? Do I end it? I've had enough but I loved him to much to leave. I just wanted to sleep and wake up in hope it would be a bad dream but the constant stinging in my cheek kept reminding me of the nightmare.

Niall had eventually given up. Probably passed out on the couch sleeping off the alcohol. I finally had enough strength to get up off the bed. I was so hungry and my throat dry from sobbing I needed to go to the kitchen. I knew Niall wouldn't be up, so the thought of running into him awake was out of the question.

I went to the kitchen and got some Gatorade. For someone reason no matter how much I wanted to eat I don't think I could. I felt sick. Sitting at the table and staring at the counter, replaying the events that had happened hours ago, over and over in my head. I didn't know how I was gonna look at Niall the same way after this or even let him near me.

I went to up and the chair screeched across the tile floor and little louder then I intended it too. I stopped to see if that had woken Niall up then brushed off the thought once again. So drunk not even a jack hammer could wake him up.

I get up to throw the bottle away and when I turn around I see him slumped against the door frame. His head bowed down, back hunched. He looked a mess. It was quiet, the silence almost suffocating. Until he finally broke it.

"Didn't hear ya come down" his voice low and raspy, nothing louder than a whisper. If I wasn't listening I was sure I would have missed it.

"Um yeah...I was trying not to bother you" my gaze fell to the floor, I just couldn't bring myself to look at him anymore. I knew if I looked into those blue eyes of his I would crumble underneath his glare. I wanted to show a strong front that I knew I didn't have.

"No I was waiting for you since you wouldn't open the door" his voice a little louder now. I could feel his eyes looking at me without even seeing him.

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