"How would you feel if someone demanded to take you away from your family." Spat Helaena as she shook her head at her older brother and moved away. Her eyes followed her niece who now clung to the railing of the ship. Queen Alicent held a stern gaze as she moved to stsnd besides the girl. As if she were showing Rhaenyra that this would be part of her revenge.

You take my sons eye, I take your daughter

Aegon scoffed again as he watched Valaena being dragged onto the ship, away from the railing by an annoyed looking Ser Criston. He chuckled then, hoping to be able to torment Valaena for the rest of her life about her childish departure. He kne that he himself wouldn't cause such a scene, where he to be taken away from his family.

He rolled his eyes as they started sailing away, hoping to find a drink somewhere. He had wanted to fly back om Sunfyre, as Helaena and he had flown in on their dragons. But his mother wanted them all to stay on the ship due to Aemond's condition.

Valaena looked up at the sky, as Sapphire and Vhagar joined Sunfyre and Dreamfyre in the sky. She frowned. At the spectacle. Sapphire looked tiny compared to Vhagar, and for a moment she feared her Dragon would not grow, where she to reside in the dark caves of the pit. She had seen how much Sapphire enjoyed being allowed to roam free on the island of DragonStone. Even if it was just for a few weeks.

With a sigh Valaena, pushed herself away from the railing. If the Queen was forcing her to come with, then she wasn't going to be nice about it. Perhaps they would send her back.

In the capital however, Valaena found herself too tired to argue. She had expected to moved back into her old rooms. Where once her entire family had loved together. She had dined with her mother and brothers every night, Ser Laenor and Ser Harwin read stories to her when she couldn't find sleep and-

There the tears were again, they sprung up in her eyes like water jewels. Running down her cheeks as she rested her head against the carriage which was used to take the family back to the Red Keep.

"Don't cry." Rang the voice of the Queen suddenly. Valaena could feel the woman gripping her shoulders. "You and Helaena will have sewing lessons with the septa in an hour. One of the maidservants will take you to your new rooms."

Valaena frowned then, shooting a glare towards the tiled floor of the keep. "I don't want new rooms."

"Speak properly Valaena, you are a Princess." Mused the Queen as she softly squeezed the girl's shoulder before walking away and leaving the little girl standing in the hall. All by herself.

It took the young Princess weeks to settle in, and in those first few weeks she refused to leave he rooms, often she feigned being ill. Sending most of the maidservants away in a fright to collect the Maester. She'd refuse to attend dinner and purposely spill wine, or she'd refuse to eat but stuff her face with dessert. Alicent would scold her, and Valaena would roll her eyes and only behave when her grandfather yelled out her name in anger. Valaena took to ignoring the septa and ruining her needlework. She'd use all the wrong colors of thread and once even dared to spell a vile word that Aegon had taught her. (

Valaena had received countless letters from her brothers and mother, but in her anger, she refused to reply to them. Only once a week did she reply to her father, who said that, in a short time the family would leave to travel back to their ancestral seat, DragonStone, but first, he would make a stop on Seasmoke in the capital to visit his daughter as he had promised.

This caused her to be eager to reply, begging him to come to her faster and take her home with him. Kingslanding was even more dull than it had been when she still had been tormented by the presence of her brothers. She admitted to missing them, but she made her father promise not to tell.

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