Consort Yoongi, visibly annoyed by Seokjin's playful remark shifted in his seat, his expression turning serious. "Queen Seokjin," he began, his tone firm, "while I may not share the same biological bond with Taehyung, he will always be my first son. I care deeply about his happiness and well-being."

He continued, his voice tinged with determination, "I won't stand by and watch as a leech-like Princess tries to maneuver her way into becoming my first son's wife."

Seokjin chuckled softly, his amusement evident as he sipped his tea. "We may not need to intervene after all," he remarked, referring to Taehyung's previous announcements of new consorts as his official wives and the birth of his son. "As the prince grows older and reaches the appropriate age, we will know his second gender, and that will determine his position as an heir," Seokjin explained

"If the Prince is an omega, and Consort Jungkook becomes pregnant and gives birth to an Alpha, it would mean the alpha child will become the crown prince," Yoongi pondered aloud, considering the implications of such a scenario.

"Precisely," the Queen replied, affirming Yoongi's understanding. In their world, where dynamics like Alpha, Beta, and Omega play a significant role, the hierarchy and succession rules can be influenced by the gender and dynamic of the royal family members' offspring.


As Jungkook, Jihun, Jimin, and Jennie sat in Jimin's chambers, they surrounded the young prince, their laughter filling the room as they played together. The atmosphere was warm and joyful, with the young prince giggling and clapping in delight at their playful antics.

As the chamber's doors parted, a sense of urgency swept into the room with Eunuch Hyosu's hurried entrance. "Consort Jungkook," he addressed with a touch of apprehension, "there's a man outside adamant about seeing you. He claims to be your fiance."

Jungkook's brows furrowed slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "My fiance? Tell me, who dares to make such an accusation?" he demanded, his voice edged with disbelief.

With a deep breath, Hyosu revealed the name that set Jungkook's heart racing. "He calls himself Henry," the eunuch announced, his tone tinged with caution.

Jungkook's eyes widened in recognition. "Henry? I must speak with him," he declared, his resolve clear as he rose from his seat.

However, Hyosu, ever vigilant of protocol and safety, voiced his concern. "But Your Majesty," he interjected, "as the Alpha King's consort, it may not be prudent to meet with an Alpha who lacks His Majesty's trust."

Jungkook's confidence remained unwavering as he reassured his loyal eunuch. "Fear not, Hyosu. Henry is someone I am familiar with," he explained, his tone calm yet resolute.

With that, Jungkook left the chamber, his steps purposeful as he headed to confront the Henry, eager to uncover the truth behind the unexpected claim.

Henry, who had been waiting anxiously outside the palace gates, couldn't help but smile in relief as Jungkook finally appeared. "What brings you here, Henry?" Jungkook's tone carried a hint of reprimand as he approached.

Henry, undeterred by Jungkook's initial response, chuckled lightly. "Oh, come now, Jungkook. Is this how you greet your guests at the palace?" he teased, his smile brightening.

Jungkook's expression remained stern as he countered, "I would have greeted you properly had you not made such a claim about being my fiance." His words held a mix of disbelief and caution, wanting clarification from Henry before proceeding further.

Henry's frown deepened as he tightened his grip on Jungkook's hand. "I came here to rescue you and Jimin," he explained urgently, his voice filled with concern. "Those wenches sold you to become the King's pleasure toys. I cannot sit idly by while my childhood friends suffer."

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