She was absolutely transparent, she knew it. She liked Harry so much, it hurt.

"Andria," her mom said, raising her eyebrow knowingly.

"Fine! I like him... a lot," Andie confessed, throwing her hand over her face.

"Don't be embarrassed. I tried to ask your dad if he was cute, but he didn't like that," her mom laughed.

"Did you really?" Andie asked, letting out a laugh, which helped some of her annoyance dissipate.

"Yeah. No sense of humor with that one," her mom quipped, smirking at her.

"I can send you a picture of him," Andie told her with a wide smile on her face as her stomach danced with excitement.

"Please do. I'd like to put a face to the name."

"Just a second," Andie said as she quickly opened her messages and attached a picture Janessa took of her and Harry together at the beach.

"Oh, Andie. He is cute," she heard her mom gush.

"I know..." Andie whined as her heart flourished just thinking about him.

"He's tall. Wow. He's like half a foot taller than you," her mom chuckled, finally looking into the camera again.

"I know. It's so hot," Andie giggled.

"Oh, jeez," her mom said, rolling her eyes at her and Andie giggled again.

"So, you're making out, but not sleeping with each other?"

"Right," Andie replied.

"Is that it?" She asked carefully.

"I mean..." Andie said quietly, and she realized she just confessed without actually confessing that she and Harry had done more than just kiss each other.

"I see," her mom said, nodding her head knowingly and Andie could feel her cheeks heat up instantly.

"Just be careful. And if you decide to eventually have sex with him, be extra careful. You better use protection!"

"Mom, I literally never had sex with Chase in a year and a half of dating him. I'm not going to have sex with someone I've known for only a month and a half."

"As I recall..."

"Do not bring up camp!"

"I was joking. I'm not trying to hold that over your head. It's done. It happened and you've been so responsible since. You make me proud, Andria," her mother told her sincerely.

Andie sucked in a breath and let it out hard because there have been many, many moments over the summer where she wanted to tear off her clothes and throw herself at Harry. The hormones were really strong when it came to him. She wasn't sure how much more sexual tension she was going to handle before something more happened between them.

"So, your father tells me you and your friends have plans to go camping up in New York next weekend," her mom said, changing the subject and Andie was so grateful for it.

She was so incredibly excited for the camping trip Louis was planning. She didn't know who all was going, but she knew Harry would be there and that was enough for her.

"Yeah. And my father is trying to ground me for last night. I didn't even do anything wrong! We didn't get in actual trouble with the police, and making out is something all teenagers do."

"He is your father, Andie. And you are under his care," her mother reminded her.

"Mom!" Andie protested.

"Andria," she mimicked her.

"You have to tell him he can't ground me!"

"Andie, I can't just undermine him like that."

"He has barely been a father to me my entire life and I'm supposed to listen to his bullshit?"

"Andria," her mother scoffed.

"This is so stupid!"

"Andie, you sound like a child right now," her mother scolded her.

"Well, I'm annoyed. I'm seventeen. I should be treated like a seventeen-year-old instead of a seven-year-old!"

"Just calm down."

Andie huffed and rolled her eyes, but she shut up.

"I can try to talk to him," her mom said finally.

"Really?" Andie asked, her mood changing immediately as excitement took over all her features.


"Thank you!"

"But whatever he decides, you need to follow. You're living in his house and you need to follow his rules," her mother warned her.

"He told me he doesn't want me seeing Harry anymore. How am I supposed to follow that rule?" Andie protested immediately.

"I'll talk to him," her mom said finally.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you so much!"

Chasing the Clouds || H.S. [ONGOING]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें