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JJ Maybank x fem!reader

tw: blood, knifes, use of the word whore a lot, bondage(non-consensual)My screams are muffled by the cloth in my mouth, tears soaking the edges of it. I feel another slice on my back and jolt forward, the knife going deeper than the other cuts. Pain shoots through my spine body from the many cuts, bruises, cigarette burns on my skin.For a moment, it stops, and I rest my head down onto the bed, my cries even more muffled by the blood stained sheets. The cloth in removed and I shut my eyes, feeling everything. Fuck, my body hurt and he wouldn't let up. "I told you to stay away from that Maybank boy! You're such a fucking whore, and whore's need to be taught a lesson." I felt a burn on my back and screamed, thrashing around, trying to escape the ropes that held my hands to my feet. "Please, I'm sorry!" I cried through the cloth, tears coating my cheeks. Another burn, another scream. "Whores are never sorry." He growled, cutting the rope that bound my feet and hands together. My hands still tied behind my back were lifted up as he shoved me forward to my mirror, already smashed, not able to fully see myself in the cracks. "Look at you! How can my own daughter be a whore?" I started to say something but he moved in front of me and pushed me onto the bed. He wrapped his hands around my throat and began to squeeze. I tried to scream and thrash my body in hope of him removing his hands, but he stared into my eyes with no remorse. Was JJ really worth this? If I kill myself would anyone care? My father would rather kill me than let me be happy. Fuck, what if I get through this and JJ see's me and is gone forever? He'll blame himself and leave. It was only when my eyes started fading to black that he let go and my thought's subsided. I coughed and cried as he stood up, saying something that I couldn't hear behind the ringing in my ears. He left the room and I could feel the front door slam shut. When I woke up, it was morning. Early—the sun was just beginning to rise. I sat up and winced at the pain. My hands were still tied behind my back, and my attempts at getting them off failed. I sniffled and stood up, falling over a bit before glancing in the mirror. There was dry blood all over my body, accompanied by cuts and bruises. Cigarette burns littered my body, only being in my now bloody white undergarments. I stumbled to my door frame and looked down and a broken beer glass. I bent down and grabbed it, already cutting the palms of my hands. Tears fell down my face at the pain of trying to cut the ropes from behind. When they finally fell to the floor, the glass did the same as my hand fell onto the wall for support. Blood painted the walls as I stumbled out of my house, tears falling off my chin with gasps and falling deep breaths. Thank God John B lived just down the street. I walked down the gravel road and hoped that no one would drive by. When I reached the Château, I saw John B and Sarah talking on the steps. I tried to yell, but my voice got lost and my tears just made it harder to speak. When I got closer, Sarah looked up and I could see her gasp. My legs were shaking and I gave up on walking. My bison was all burry from my tears— my body giving out on me, my knees sinking into the dirt. Sarah and John B ran over and started asking me questions but all I could hear was him. Whore. How can my own daughter be a whore? Whores are never sorry. My face buried into John's neck as he lifted me up and carried me quickly into the Château. I looked at Sarah and wanted to speak but I just couldn't. I groaned in pain as he set me down on the table that Sarah had just cleared off, and Sarah started crying, moving m6 hair from my face. I could feel her holding my face in her hands as my eyes shut."JJ! Kie! Wake up!" John B shouted, shaking JJ awake. "what the fuck is happening?" Kie groaned sitting up. She glanced over at the table and her eyes went wide. "Holy shit! JJ!" She shaked JJ hard and he groaned. She got up quickly and ran to the other side of the table. "Sarah what the fuck happened?" JJ's eyes went wide as he got up quickly and ran to me. "What the fuck!?" John B came back with a first aid kit, and Kiara stared getting gaze out from it. JJ started getting tears in his eyes as he cupped my face gently. "Y/n/n? Y/n? Wake up, please" he spoke like a prayer. "John B get me some water!" Kiara said as he was finding a bowl. He came back quickly and Kiara put her fingers to my neck, checking for a pulse. "Do we call 911?"

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