Wither Into the Truth

Start from the beginning

Simon was left alone as his father's words echoed in his mind.

Simon burst into Farah Dowling's office, his face contorted with anger. "You have to talk to Saul!" he exclaimed.

Farah lifted her gaze from her stack of papers, looking at the boy with concern. "What happened?" she asked calmly, gesturing to the empty chair in front of her desk, but Simon remained standing, restless and agitated.

"He took away my video games! And he banned all electronic devices!" Simon blurted out, his voice full of indignation.

Farah sighed softly as she considered the situation. She could imagine there had been a confrontation between Simon and Saul. Internally, she was torn. On one hand, she wanted to stand by Simon's side to offer comfort and show him he could count on her. On the other hand, she had long felt that Saul needed to enforce stricter discipline.

"That surely didn't happen without reason," Farah remarked finally, her tone measured.

"It doesn't matter why," Simon insisted, his anger barely contained. "You have to talk to Saul. What am I supposed to do all day?"

"With your father," Farah corrected, setting the stack of papers aside. "Why don't you call him 'Dad' anymore?" she asked gently, her eyes fixed on Simon. This question had been on her mind for a while now, and she wanted to understand why Simon had suddenly become more distant from his father.

"It doesn't matter," Simon scoffed, turning his gaze away, but Farah persisted.

"If I'm going to help you, please answer my question," she insisted firmly.

"Then don't bother helping me. Of course, you'd take his side," Simon retorted stubbornly.

"He only wants what's best for you," she tried to explain, but Simon didn't seem convinced.

"He wants what's best for himself and for Sky," he corrected her.

Farah sighed softly as she watched Simon stomp out of her office. It didn't take long for Saul to stroll in, and Farah could see him with the Nintendo Switch.

"You've made yourself a pretty bad friend today," she remarked with a slight smile as she watched Saul plop down into the chair and start up the game.

"He'll get over it," he added with a smirk before getting engrossed in the game. "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, but this game is fun."

Farah couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Just don't delete his save files," she cautioned with a wink.

"I wouldn't dare in my dreams," Saul assured her, then refocused on the game. Farah stepped behind Saul, looking over his shoulder as he tried to master the game. He was playing as a boy armed with a sword, being attacked by various creatures. Each time, Saul was defeated by these creatures, which made Farah smile.

"Simon's better at this," she commented as Ben suddenly walked into the office. After all, they were supposed to evaluate the training day together.

Simon wandered through the library of Alfea, surrounded by shelves full of books. His gaze drifted boredly over the book titles as he pondered how to pass the time without his beloved electronic devices. Then he suddenly noticed an old, dusty book.

A hint of curiosity seized him as he carefully pulled the book out and blew the dust off the cover. The title read: "The Legend of the Elements and Where They Originated." His fingers caressed the weathered cover, and he felt his birthmark on his forehead begin to pulse. It wasn't a painful pulse but a warm, soothing sensation spreading within him.

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