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James Potter sat at his dining table with all his mates, except for Maddie, when (speak of the devil), Madelyn's owl came soaring in through the window and landed in the salad that Mrs. Potter had prepared. James reached over to grab the letter, book and tin that was attached. Molly, Madelyn's owl nipped at his fingers, causing him to flinch and grab the letter. He opened the letter that said all of their names on the front, the group of them leaning over James' shoulder to read what it said.

"Dear James, Sirius, Remus and Peter,

How has the summer been for you guys? Things are pretty good at Laurent Manor, good but boring, there is nothing to do here except read, it's really not that bad. Remus you would like the Library, I attached a book I think you would like. Happy belated birthday Peter, I made some brownies for you.


Lots of love, Madelyn Laurent"

James handed the book to Remus, "Moony." he said before handing the tin of brownies to Peter. Remus looked at the cover of the book, it was something he didn't recognize. He opened the cover and read the front.


One time you told me you love Eliza Bennett's work but you hated how they were so rare to find. I found one of her earlier works in our library. Hope you enjoy it.

xo Mads'

Remus's eyes widened in surprise as he read the inscription inside the book. He had always admired Eliza Bennett's work, but he had never owned any of her books. He couldn't believe Madelyn remembered that he liked her books, he only brought it up once 2 years ago.

"Wow," Remus murmured, his fingers tracing the elegant script on the page. "I can't believe she remembered."

Sirius grinned, nudging Remus playfully. "Looks like you've got a little crush, Moony." he teased, his grey eyes twinkling with amusement.

Remus rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of warmth in his smile. "No, I- It's just a really nice and expensive book, I appreciate that my friend gave it to me." he replied modestly, though his heart fluttered at the thought of Madelyn, Sirius didn't need to know that.

Meanwhile, Peter wasted no time in eagerly digging into the tin of brownies, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the sweet treats. "These look amazing!" he exclaimed between bites, his cheeks bulging with chocolatey goodness. He really loved brownies, especially Madelyn's.

Sirius pouted jokingly, "Where's my cool expensive gift? I was expecting a motorcycle." James chuckled.

"Mate, I didn't get a gift either, but its almost your birthday and mine is sorta coming up."

Sirius deadpanned, "Remus' birthday is before yours, but I suppose Maddie just likes Remus better." He smirked looking at Remus, who had already began reading the book.

"That's not true at all! You know what, I'm writing back. She obviously likes me better, she just has something to big for the owl that bit me to carry." James reassured himself, running upstairs for a piece of parchment.

He returned with a long piece of parchment in one hand and a quill in the other.

'Dearest Maddie,

You like me best right? I'm the funniest? Yeah okay, I thought so. Sirius seems to think you like Remus more than me, since you got him a gift and not me. Crazy Sirius, always making things up, right?

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