Chapter 2

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Ena pov!

The car ride seemed to take hours. Somewhere along the road Ena must've fallen asleep, because once she felt the car jerk to a stop and opened her eyes, they had arrived at their destination.

"What the heck is this place.." She yawned as her vision focused on the building in front of them.

"This is where we're staying for the week dear." Her mom smiled.

"Huh." It wasn't a bad looking place... it looked rather cozy actually. Maybe there was a chance- no, no way. She wasn't going to enjoy this trip. Of course she wouldn't. She was surrounded by her family. And that was the worst possible situation ever.

Ena shook her head grumpily and got out of the car with everyone else. She grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk and immediately dragged it to the house, making sure to avoid and ignore Akito as much as possible. After a minute of impatiently waiting, her dad finally came over and unlocked the door with a key. "Finally..." Ena muttered as they all walked inside. She expected the place to be a lot... bigger. But she was surprised–and disappointed–to see that wasn't the case.

"You kids can have the room over there-" Ena's mom pointed to a nearby room. "-and we'll be in this one over here, ok?"

"WHAT... There's no way I'm sharing a room with Ena!" Akito yelled as the same thought passed through Ena's head.

"Well you guys will have to deal with it because we're here for a full week." Her dad answered. Both Ena and Akito groaned at the terrible news. "Anyways, it's getting late! Go unpack and rest up now, tomorrow we have lots of plans!" Her mom said enthusiastically, which only encouraged more groaning and grumbling from them.

Ena was the first to leave for the room. Akito trailed behind once he said a quick goodnight to their parents.

"This is the worst!" Ena whined as she and Akito made it into the room.

"Hey I didn't ask for this either!" He snapped back.

They glared at each other for a moment more before Ena spoke up. "Alright, this side of the room is yours, this side is mine. If I see you stepping over into my side or taking any of my things I'm beating you up."

"What??? How come you get to divide the room like that?? And when did I say I would take any of your things, what's there even to take??"

"Just shut up and agree." Ena huffed and crossed her arms.

"Fine whatever, I'd rather have my own space anyways."


"Yeah that's what I said, fine." The two turned their backs on each other angrily and began to unpack. This was going to be a long week...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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