later that day around 1 lays in bed sore not even gonna attempt to get up as he trues not to cry hearing his fathers word in his head "are you a girl? why are you crying" he shuts his eyes and drifts off into sleep

later that day around 7 dean wakes up in so much pain he hears his walkie going off its dustin "dean whats your haul?"

dean picks up his walkie "sorry i cant go today" he says trying to keep his voice normal "why" he hears Dustin's voice ask

he thinks of an excuse "i'm sick" he fake coughs
"oh okay, get better" dustin says, dean sighs "yup bye" he tosses his walkie on his floor and pulls the covers back over him falling back asleep.

the next day he wakes up in the morning the his alarm clock he slams it and it breaks he grumbles under his breath as he goes to his closet grabbing any clothes he could find which happen to be a black shirt and some jeans he doesn't complain and puts then on he then goes to his bathroom that's attached to his room and fixes his hair and brushes his teeth.

he heads to Steve's room next seeing him still sound asleep like a baby "Steve wake up" Steve just stirs in his sleep causing dean to groan "Steve get the fuck up" he groans grabbing Steve's blanket and pulls it off him causing Steve to finally wake up "fucking finally"

"what do you want dean" Steve asks annoyed "well it happens to be a school day idiot"

Steve pauses "oh ya" dean chuckles "you dumbass oh and btw you're driving me today"

he leaves Steve room hearing him yelling an okay back and dean runs downstairs his father left again yesterday his mother going along because she cant trust him. he goes in the kitchen grabbing a bowl and pour cereal then milk

after he's done eating school starts in about 15 minutes "Steve" he yells "school is in 15" he hears Steve complaining.

Steve comes down and opens the door going to his car dean follows behind him getting in the back seat "are we getting Nancy?" dean ask hopefully "yes" Steve replies

they pull up to the Wheeler house Nancy jogs up to the car getting in the passenger seat "hi steve" she smiles she then turns in her seat "hello dean" dean smiles and leans forward "hi Nancy" Nancy ruffles his hair. Dean lightly hits her hand "hey don't mess up my hair" Steve watches them interact a small smile on his face "you sound like me dean" Steve says chuckling "shut up" dean mutters.

in the high school parking lot Steve is showing Nancy his college essay

"its crap, i know" Steve mumbled when Nancy didn't say anything about the essay.

"no, it's not crap" Nancy reassured him Dean who was reading over her shoulder raises his eyebrow looking at her like she was crazy. dean isn't going to lie Steves essay was not good.

"it's not good." Steve corrected himself.

"it's going to be. just.... it needs some reorganizing." Nancy tells him "can i mark on it?"

"yeah i guess" Steve shrugs a little

Nancy straighten herself, dean watches her with a curious eye "so, in the first paragraph, you used the basketball game versus northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great. but then around here," Nancy starts to circle a part in the essay with her pen. "you started talking about your grandad's experience in the war and I - I just.. i don't see how they're connected" Dean nodding alone to her point

"it connects because... because you know we both won" Steve explains. Dean chuckles under his breath knowing Nancy would be mad if he laughed out loud.

"do you think i should start from scratch?" Steve ask , looking over at Nancy. "no, i mean.. whens the deadline?"

"it's tomorrow for early application" Steve answered "can you come and help me tonight?"

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