✧𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 1✧

Start from the beginning


Miyazaki quickly made it to her neighbor's house before knocking on their door. "Yo-kun! It's me! Get up! It's 6:20!" She shouted out the door, waiting for her best friend to wake up.

Waiting another 9 seconds the doors opened to see the blue haired boy groan in distress as was still in her pj's. Whipping his eyes "You speak to loud Miya-chan *Yawn* Why are you like this?"

"Ah! Yo-kun! You're not wearing your uniform yet! Are you even ready? C'mon I'll help you out!"

"Wait! Miya-chan what are you doing!? -AH!"

Miyazaki grabbed him by the waist and entered his house with him telling her to put him down. She saw Yo's mother in the kitchen as she dragged her son upstairs.

"Hi Mrs. Hirori! Bye Mrs. Hirori!"

"Huh? Sanzuku-chan? What are you doing with my son!?"

She didn't give her an answer as she made it to his room and barged in while putting him down on his bed.

"Miya-chan... Can you stop doing that to me everyday?!" He complained as his heart beats repeatedly, Miyazaki didn't listen to him as she looked in his closet and tried to find his uniform. "Yo-kun, you really need to clean your room! It's not healthy!"

As she found his uniform she grabbed him by the sleeve, starting to drag him to his bathroom, "Now hurry and go get ready! I will be in your room in the meantime!" She pushed him in his bathroom.


"I Said go get ready!"

She slammed the door on him as she walked back to his messy room.

"Geez, Yo-kun, at least pick up the trash." She pinched her bridge of her nose as she started to tidy his room. Throwing away anything that's filthy or empty in the bin as he collected his schoolwork and placed it on his desk. As she was cleaning she noticed a pink envelope on his desk.

"Hm, what's this?" She picked it up and noticed a pink sticker as its seal. Thoughts started to run in her mind the more she looked at it.

'Does... Does Yo-kun have a crush on someone!?' She thought. A Smile was plastered on her face with her eyes gleaming in excitement.

'Yo-kun! Has a crush! Aww! I wonder who the lucky lady is! Or man I don't judge! Hm, what's this?' She placed the envelope back before picking up another one that had a blue pentagon on it, she shrugged and placed it back as she started to arrange his papers in his school case. She heard the door click as she saw Yo in his school uniform with a tired expression on his face.

"Ah! Yo-kun! Glad you finished! Here's your bag, and I saved you some of my breakfast! Now let's hurry!"

"Wait! Miya-chan! Not again! AH!"

Miyazaki grabbed his wrist and started to walk downstairs, where his mom was last seen.

"Hi Mrs. Hirori! Bye Mrs. Hirori!"

"Now hold on just a sec-"

She didn't even get to finish as Miyazaki dragged her son away.

"Miya-chan wait!" Yo stopped the girl from her tracks as he tugged on his sleeve.

"Miya-chan I appreciate the thought but, school doesn't start until 8!"

"But we should-"

"It's only 6:55!"

Yo sighed, he was glad Miyazaki thought about him, but he didn't even get to eat breakfast, nor had time to take his bento. He was exhausted from practice, and from the unhealthy amount of gaming.

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