Ch 18

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Yeah... this is probably the end of this book. There are a lot of loose ends so expect an epilogue that will explain what happened to Kat and Aden and all that good stuff ... the past few weeks I've been actually planning and writing parts for another books i hope to get out by the end of this year but college essays are coming up and I'll be working on those for the next few months. Thank you all who have stuck with this book, I know it was short and kind of terrible but it has let me learn a lot about what I need to improve on so I'm pretty proud of it.


Caspar's POV

The dinner was as extravagant as usual with the grand chandelier lit with candles and hundreds of plates of food, mostly meat. I was placed in between Dion and Crixon to be sure I wouldn't try something stupid like seduce my way out of the room. My plate was quickly filled by Dion who had taken it upon himself to make sure I was well fed and never lacking in what I wanted. To my right, Crixon was stuffing his face, allowing the meat to fall into his mouth, chunks at a time with no manners. I slowly picked at my food, it was rabbit which I was usually thrilled about but my appetite had left me so only a few morsels made it past my lips.

Halfway through, a rain soaked wolf scurried into  the hall, sliding to a stop in front of Crixon. He whispered in his ear and the man visibly stiffened, his large body began to shake, from excitement or fear I did not know but he quickly got up and left the hall.

From the hall where Crixon just exited the entire group could hear cursing and the banging of walls.


The room quieted. No body dared move as the banging continued, their faces turning pale with fear of what was occurring.

The hall doors banged open and a furious looking Crixon stormed bac in. "Get in battle positions you mangy dogs! Our little prince has decided to make and appearance."

I was quickly yanked to my feet by Dion and carried into the hall. Little prince? He must've been talking about Mason. I squirmed in the arms that held me close. Dion looked down at me but continued to go through the halls. When we reached my cell, he gave me one of the many knives that hung on his belt.

He stared at me. "Slash me in the chest with this."


"Slash me. You can escape and I won't get in too much trouble."

My mind couldn't process what was happening. Why was Dion letting me escape. I just stood, petrified, unable to move.

"God, you are so slow." Blood splattered against my face as Dion sliced his skin. "Now run little wolfie."

I raced through the halls on four legs, my fur had lost its usual sheen and my eyes were wide and darting everywhere. Right, left, left, right, up the stairs, and right again. Weeks of being paraded through these very halls had made it easy for me to remember the way to the grand hall where I could hear the growls and ripping of skin signaling a fight. Once in the hallway I easily merged with the massive number of wolves as they raced in the same direction. I stayed by the wall, at the edge of the group so I could run away at a moment's notice. I recognized many of the wolves running with me as those from our pack and others whom I didn't recognize at all but seemed to be fighting alongside my pack mates. Mason must have found an ally.

I   lifted my nose in attempts to find my mate; his scent was faint but clearly came from outside, my body shivered at the thought of feeling him in my arms again. I raced past fighting wolves, past the great doors of the grand hall to reach the front entrance. I hurriedly slid past the gnashing of teeth and claws and exited the place I had called hell for the past few weeks. Outside, rain matted my fur and washed away the blood and dirt that had made its way into people's fur.

From atop my perch I could clearly make out the form of my mate. His large black wolf easily took down anyone in his path and he left a trail of injured or dead mongrels behind him.

I howled in hopes that he would see me, reaching out in our mind link that was growing stronger with each step we took towards each other. His head darted in my direction and I quickly shifted into human for so that I could maneuver around the fighters better.

"Mason!" I reached out my arms only to be yanked back by my waist. I looked up at my captor and was faced with the bloodshot eyes of Crixon.

"Where do you think you're going little boy?"

I squirmed, trying to get out of his grip but he only tightened his hold. By this time Mason had reached us and stood a few feet away unable to move further in fear that the claw that wrapped around my neck would press in and kill me. I had waited this long to see Mason and not even an egotistical sadistic psychopath was going to get in my way. I twisted my body and pulled my elbow back into his stomach. But you see, Crixon was much taller than me so what I assumed to be his stomach was actually somewhere much more painful.

"You fucking cunt! I'm going to kill you." He let go of me to crouch down and in his millisecond of weakness, I ran to Mason and buried myself in his arms feeling the warmth and safety in them that I had longed for for so long. Mason pulled me behind him as Crixon regained his composure. He pulled out a knife and was ready to throw it into the other man's throat when Crixon fell over. Where Crixon once stood was a club wielding Dion. His hair was drenched in rain and fell into his eyes but he was still easily recognizable by his size and his armor. He nodded to me and gave me a slight smile before going off to kill more rogues.

"Who was that?"

I smiled in the direction Dion had run off to.

"A friend."

With Crixon dead many rogues stopped fighting and were quickly taken down, others, unaware of the events occurring, continued to fight but were easily outnumbered. I was picked up and twirled around. The world around me was spinning but the one thing that stayed still was Mason, the one never changing part of my life was in front of me with a big goofy smile and shining eyes.

WE slowed to a stop and he leaned down to place a chaste kiss on my lips. I couldn't allow that. I grabbed his hair and smashed out mouths together to create a whirlwind of lips and tongue. I felt him enter my mouth, hot and slippery. His arms held me closer, as if trying to make out bodied mold into each other.

I pulled away, already missing the taste of his lips.

"I love you." Tears began to flow through my eyes. The words I never thought he would hear from my lips had finally broken the barrier and slipped past. "I've always loved you. Even when I hate you I love you. Thank you for not giving up."

And there we stood in each other's embrace with the rain drenching our bodies as it fell around us. In love.

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