𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦

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"Well, I'm done with Dorian Gray, you got any books suggestions for me?" Sighed Estelle, finally closing the book in her hands.

She and Remus would go to the library every few days and read together, and today was one of those days. "I could try and find you something, but that's enough reading for today, Elle, it's getting late" chuckled Remus.

"Come on, Remus, it's barely ten o'clock. And besides, it's not like I'll be able to sleep much anyways" joked Estelle. "Come on, Elle, this isn't healthy. You need to sleep more, considering about a few months back you weren't sleeping at all"

Estelle's face saddened a bit, "Trust me, Rem, if I could've, I would've slept. And right now, if I could sleep properly I would. But it's just not that simple"

"Oh, love, I know.. and it's not your fault. You just have to learn how to handle it." sympathized Remus, hugging Estelle tightly as she did back.

"Come on, I'll walk you back to your dorm" they both stood up, packing up their things and leaving the library, greeting the librarian goodbye and goodnight.

The two walked back in silence, taking in the cool breeze as they made their way to the Slytherin dorms. "Have you found out the clue from the golden egg yet?" Remus asked to break the silence.

"No, not yet. I'm not so sure what to do with it", "Well, what have you tried?". Estelle sighed, "I've tried opening then closing it and opening it again. I've tried shaking it, putting it upside down, I don't know what else to do"

"Well, why don't you ask one of the other champions? Maybe they've got it figured out" suggested Remus with a shrug. Estelle snorted sarcastically, "I'd rather die than ask for help"

Remus was going to disagree with her, but thunk reasonably "You're right, I'd think the same way as well" they both laughed a bit.

- - -

"Ugh, I fucking hate Astronomy!" Groaned Mattheo, only just starting his homework due the next day. "Tell me about it" whined Lorenzo, "Right?! I mean, that Sinistra bitch expects me to have every constellation memorized" Mattheo ranted.

"I swear, it's annoying how they just expect us to spend half our day studying just to give us even more studies!" Blaise rolled his eyes, looking through the drawers of his dresser for a pair of socks.

"Theodore I swear to fucking Merlin, if you don't clean up after yourself, I'll drag you out of this dorm myself!" Yelled Draco from the boys's shared bathroom in which Theodore's clothes were scattered all over the floor along with his cluttered bathroom essentials.

"Alright Mister 'I'll rip my bleached hair out if everything isn't tidy'." Theodore mocked Draco, "You're just jealous my hair's more blond than yours" snarked Draco.

"Shut up! I'm trying to focus here!" Stressed Mattheo instead of joining the arguments as he usually would.

- - -

"Mind keeping your eyes on your own paper, Riddle?" Snapped Estelle at the great hall, all students having to write a 12-inch essay on the new History of Magic lesson.

"Why would I when I can just copy a well-done essay with zero effort done?" smirked Mattheo, leaning backwards in his chair.

Estelle rolled her eyes and hid her paper from his sight, continuing to write just as Cedric walked in, looking around until he spotted Estelle and walked over to her.

Cedric tapped her shoulder, "I swear to Merlin, Riddle if you don't — " Estelle cut herself off noticing it was not Mattheo. "Diggory"

"Black" Cedric chuckled, "You have a minute?". Estelle wrote the final word of her essay, "Why do you ask?" She folded the parchment and placed it in her bag, standing up to face the Hufflepuff.

"The clue.. just go to the prefect's bathroom", Estelle raised a brow. "Bring your egg with you... it's not a bad place for a bath" he slightly whispered his last sentence. "Mull things over hot water. Good luck" said Cedric, running back away to wherever.

Estelle thought it was odd what Cedric said, and nobody else seemed to eavesdrop on the conversation. 'It wouldn't hurt to test out what Cedric suggested, right?' Estelle thought to herself.

She rushed to her dorm to grab a swimsuit, the golden egg and a change of clothes before making her way to the prefect's bathroom on the third floor. She made sure nobody was around and entered the large room quickly and quietly.

It was quite normal, yet still fancy. Toilets, sinks, and a large circle bathtub that seemed to have several switches and soap options.

She changed into her swimsuit in one of the bathroom stalls as the water ran. She sat in the clear, hot water for a few minutes then held the egg, examining it. What on Earth had Cedric done now?

She opened the egg, but the screeching noise was still there. She winced, and attempted at holding the egg with a single, slippery hand and use the other to cover her ears; yet, she accidentally dropped the egg in the water, and the noise seemed to stop.

"What's what the good-looking boy did... Cedric" Moaning Myrtle's high-pitched voice giggled, the ghost appearing right next to Estelle.

Estelle looked at her menacingly, before dunking her head in the water to see the egg. She couldn't really see it, but she heard it. It was no longer a loud screech, yet a melodic hum this time, followed by echoed words:

'Come seek us where our voices sound
We cannot sing above the ground
An hour long you'll have to look
To recover what we took'

Estelle gasped for air, pulling her head above the water. It was a riddle, a puzzle. But what did it mean?

"Cannot sing above the ground, so it has to be underwater.. maybe a sea creature?" said Remus, puzzled. Estelle seeked Remus's help that night to help her figure it out. "Could it be...Grindylows?" Suggested Estelle, "Most probably, yes. What did it say next?"

"An hour long you'll have to look to recover what we took" sighed Estelle, "They could have just taken a valuable item and hid it? But underwater?"

"Item..." thought Remus, "Or maybe a person... is there currently anyone in Hogwarts quite dear to you?". Estelle huffed, "Besides you and Bart, I don't really think so, not that much"

"Well, if you'll be searching for an hour you'll be needing something to be able to breathe"

// I made some time to write, and it's 2 am LMAOO, BUT IT'S OKAYY.
Y'all, btw, if you want a good song to listen to:
"My December" by Linkin Park, TRUSTTT, I HAVE ELITE MUSIC TASTE
- idrk what else to say soo bye-bye, go to the next page :). Xx.

Props And Mayhem - Mattheo Riddle (discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя