Awakening Freedom

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Eight years.

Eight years since then. That night when Aha'ri died.

It had an impact on everyone, her sibling, Suränu, had it the hardest. Nor also had it as hard, to this day he still misses her. Teylan was also sad, he along with Ri'nela comforted Suränu for many weeks which turned to months. Ri'nela tried to make sure everyone was ok even thought she was also hurting inside. Ah'so couldn't get the scene out of her head for a long while, she still remembers it but doesn't like to.

They all continued to hurt during the next eight years, and now their older and a little different from how they use to be when they were younger, still in the TAP, but what they didn't know is that hope was rising up somewhere far from where they we're.


Today was a day like any other, Alma was about to teach the lesson for the day.

"So today, we'll be continuing our talk about Earth economics and the laws of supply and demand-" Alma said as Nor raised his hand and asked a question.

"Why do we have to use human weapons?" He asked. "Nor, we've been over this. Pandora is a very dangerous place" Alma said.

"But we've hardly seen Pandora, how do we know what we're protecting ourselves against?" Nor said then Mercer and two soldiers walked in and Suränu stood up from her seat in a cautious way.

"Cortez, I need to talk to you over here. Now" Mercer said as Alma walked over to him. "Look, order have come dow from Hell's Gate, We are being evacuated from Pandora, I need you to grab your stuff before-" suddenly the alarm went off and everyone got out of their seats.

"Before the panic starts" Mercer said "what?!" Alma exclaimed. "Look, we have lost Pandora, some avatar driver named Jake Sully went full native, turned the Na'i on us, that's why you can't trust any of them".

"I need you to get your stuff together, and get back in your own damn body. Now, puppet show is over" Mercer said sternly.

"Okay everyone collect your things" Alma turned to everyone "hey Cortez! I'll handle this, you need to go" Mercer said. Alma looked back at everyone and walked out of the classroom.

Mercer looked at students then at the soldiers "you know what to do" was all he said was he walked out and the two soldiers got onto the platform and aimed there guns at the small group.

Ah'so and Ri'nela with fearful looks in their eyes got beside Nor as he got into a defensive position and hissed, and Suränu and Teylan backed up, looking scared too. Was this going to be the end?

Just then Alma burst in with a gun and shot the two soldiers, once they were dead she dropped the gun "follow me. Quickly". Nor and Ah'so ran to the door as Ri'nela and Teylan followed after taking each other's hand.

"We got this one chance! Come on!" Alma exclaimed, Suränu running to the door last.


The group was lead to a cryovault, where in case of anything happened and needed to go into cryo, they would be brought here.

Alma had a panicked look on her face as she looked at the group of Sarentu, trying to make them all stay calm "get in".

"Wha...What are you doing?" Suränu asked I'm with a confused and panicked tone "you'll be safe here" Alma assured.

"Is Mercer leaving us?" Teylan asked worriedly "we are no longer of use to him" Nor responded "no! I won't believe it" Teylan shouted.

A Flicked Flame of Sarentuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن