0. a new gig

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ZERO, a new gig

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ZERO, a new gig


Freshly manicured nails traced over the snake tattoo running down Theodora Carter's wrist, she turned her wrist slightly as the inked serpent wrapped around it. Her brown eyes dropped slightly to watch her nails, seeing the light reflecting off of the blood-red polish. Her gaze returned to the runway as the music began, there was a moment of nothing but the music before a beat dropped, lights flickering on and the first model sauntered down the stage. Theo pushed a few loose curls behind her ear, her fingers lingered for a moment to press a button on her hearing aid, shutting it off as to not blast the music in her ear. Theo sat back in her chair and crossed one leg over the other as she watched the models. She kept one hand tightly wrapped around her wrist, squeezing as she watched the models.
The process of picking them had been a long one, it bored her. But she'd had her necessary help to get through the interviews and preparations. Theo was grateful for the models she'd chosen, they all worked well with her and the backstage preparations had gone much better than they had in previous shows. Theo's toe tapped on the ground to the beats of the music, it was instinct at this rate, the pointed toe of her shoe going up and down over and over. She tilted her head as one of her favorite looks appeared on the stage. The model's dark skin was contrasted with a white dress that faded into a hot pink as it went down the skirt, it hugged the model's curves in a very complimentary way, and Theo couldn't help but grin at her creation as the model passed her.
She knew she would have been better off backstage, with her models and crew, but Theo wanted to watch her shows live. It helped her determine which models she could bring back, which looks she could continue remaking, the works. Theo surveyed the crowd, her eyes slowly scanning over the people watching the show as more models came out onto the runway. Theo counted down until she needed to slip away, rising from her seat in the back and quickly working her way around the building toward backstage.
Quinn Rivers, Theo's assistant, was there to meet her. She touched up Theo's makeup and hair, then let Theo do a once-over of her outfit. Theodora fixed the legs of her black pantsuit, then made sure the double tape was still holding the jacket of her suit in place, especially with no blouse to go beneath it. Theo couldn't wait for her change of clothes. Kerry handed Theodora a microphone, smiling at her and wishing her luck. Theo returned the smile, then turned to greet the models as they lined back up to follow her.
Theo watched from the entrance of the runway as the last model made her way back, then let the music fade out and applause begin before she began walking down the runway. The models in their looks followed her, and Theo plastered a smile on her face to nod and wave towards the crowd. When she reached the end of the runway, she turned to gesture toward the models around her, mouthing a thank you to all of them before turning her attention back to the crowd.
"Thank you all for being here, it's such an amazing sight after my time away," Theo spoke once the applause died out. There was a shout that she recognized as Elias, and she bit back a grin before she continued speaking, "It is sad seeing all of this come to an end after these long past few months of work, but I do hope that you stay for the after party. Thank you all once again!"
There was more applause and Theodora walked down the stairs from the runway as the models turned around to change out of their looks. Theo's eyes were set on one person, as he quickly pushed through the crowds as well to greet her. Theo pulled Elias Huxley into her when they met one another, the two embracing tightly before pulling apart. He beamed at her, "Everything was better than I anticipated."
Theo gave a slight bow, holding back a grin as she held one arm out, "Why thank you."
"I say it's an opportune time for drinks," Elias informed her, slinging an arm around Theo's shoulders and pulling her toward where the food and drinks would be. Theo let herself be guided, glad for the moment of freedom from her duties as the designer.
"I need these damned shoes off my feet," Theo muttered, groaning as they reached the bar, Elias got them both a drink and passed Theo's over. She looked at him gratefully, and they lightly tapped their glasses against each other's. Theo took a sip from her glass, her brown eyes suddenly locking with blue eyes across from her.
A woman with long strawberry-blonde hair and pale skin was crossing the room, wearing a tan turtleneck sweater tucked into a pair of brown slacks. Her heels clicked across the floor as she approached Elias and Theo. She flashed a smile when she was a few steps away, "Hi."
"Hello," Theo spoke in a questioning tone as she took the redhead's hand, shaking it as she refrained from showing her visible confusion, "What can I do for ya?"
"I was just curious about us meeting sometime," the woman spoke, Theo watched her thin lips closely, "Shiv Roy."
Shiv Roy. Theodora knew the name and the last name. She'd heard about it frequently when growing up, and mentions of the name only grew once she moved to the city. She knew that Shiv was the youngest of her family and news of a health scare of their father's had drawn the attention of Elias, who thought that anyone closely related to being some level of fame was interesting to keep tabs on. Theo just couldn't process why he would deem them as famous enough for as much of his attention as the genuine celebrities he kept up with.
Elias watched the redhead look him up and down, causing him to frown and hold his hands up, "Eyeing the wrong type of meat, Dollface."
Theo elbowed Elias in his side, watching him crouch over with a groan, his arm wrapping around his torso as she shot a look in Theo's direction, "Go get a drink, Hux."
"But–" Theodora sent him a pleading look and he released an exasperated sigh, shaking his head and sauntering away from Theodora and Shiv. Theodora frowned, watching him leave before she sent Shiv an apologetic look.
"Sorry about him,"
Shiv chuckled, taking a sip from the glass in her pale hand, "Reminds me of my brother."
Theodora joined in on the light laughter, "You said you wanted to meet?"
"Yes, yes," Shiv nodded, her long waves bouncing as she looked around, "My fiance is around here somewhere but, I've been eyeing your past wedding lines for a long time. I was interested in getting a gown."
"Customized?" Theo questioned, looking Shiv up and down and mentally imagining a design that would compliment the redhead's figure and style.
"Oh yes," Shiv smirked, taking a drink once more and watching as Theodora grabbed a napkin, scrawling down her personal phone number and handing it over, "Call me at this number, not the one on my site or card. You'll be my personal client."
Shiv held the card in the napkin in the air, waving it around with a grin, "Anticipate a call in a few days. Would you be willing to travel to New York?"
Theodora hummed, quickly nodding, "I've got a studio on the top level of my store there, we'll meet there. We'll work out the details over our phone call."

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