Chapter 12: Day On The Beach

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is going on?!" Shido shouted as the Truck keep try to hit him. He dodged one more time as the Truck has enough.

"JESUS CHRIST!!" The Truck shouted angrily. "Would it kill you to let me-" He stopped talking for a moment after realising how dumb his question sounded, before speaking up again. "Nevermind! Just let me hit you and let's get over with!"

"I don't get it!" Shido shouted frustated. "Why do you want to kill me so badly?! In fact, how are you even talking?! It don't make any sense!!"

"Of course it don't." The Truck said while rolling his headlight. "Fine, i suppose i can explain it. I am Truck-Kun, and i have for mission to kill you so that you get reincarnated in another World!"

"...What?" Shido blinked bewildered. He remembered something similar that he read in a Manga before. "You mean like in those Isekai Story?"

"If you want to call them like that, then yes." Truck-Kun said flatly.

"But...why?" Shido asked. "Why me specificaly?"

"I don't know." Truck-Kun admited. "I was only told to run you over so that you get reborn in another World."

Shido frowned. "I refuse!"

"You can't refuse!" Truck-Kun yelled. "This is a life-time opportunity, and only a idiot would waste it!"

"Only a idiot would take it!" Shido yelled back. "I have friends and family in this world! Why would i throw them away just for a adventure in another world?! I would lost everything!"

"..." Truck-Kun was silence. As much he hated to admit, the boy has a point. Only a idiot who toss away their loved one so that they could go to another world. However... "Joke on you, a lot of people in your situation are idiots."

"I know." Shido commented. "And even if i'll accept, which is not the case, what would await me there?"

"A world filled with...Maken and busty Ninja girls." Truck-Kun said fatly.

Shido blinked twice, not believing what he just hear. "...You're joking?"

"Does it look like i am?" Truck-Kun asked.

Shido sighed before rubbing his eyes. "Listen, i have everything i need in my concurent life, and there is nothing that i want that is worth to throw away everything i have. So, i'm sorry that you're time was wasted. But please, go home so that we can all forget about this day...okay?"

Truck-Kun say nothing. But after a moment, he replied. "Fine...i'll leave you be..."

"Thank you." Shido nodded in gratitude before turning around to walk to School. "Now i'll think it's time to-"



Shido's body was send flying to the otherside of the road after being rammed by the Truck. Strruggling because of his injuries, Shido weakly look up. "W-We h-had a deal..."

Truck-Kun scoffed. "Fool! I am a Vehicle! A Machine and a Human can make a deal! Anyway, enjoy your new life, Harem Protagonist."

Shido barely has the time to correct him before he die from his wound.

Time Skip...

Shido walked up in the middle of the hallway of Tenbi Kagura Academy. He could feel the stare of many girls in the School, and not in a good way. He arrived in front of the Principal's office and knocked. A female voice answered soon after. "Come in!"

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