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[Trigger Warning: Teen pregnancy, abandoning a child at birth]


Pritha admired the sky painted in shades of orange and yellow early in the morning from the balcony of her chamber. The sun shone brightly as she admired the one who gave brightness to the earth. The visuals of witnessing the divine beings in her dream made her wonder about the boon Durvasa had granted her a year ago - the boon of having a child from any god she wished.

She wondered about its reality - are the gods capable of granting a child if she wanted from any of them? 

The sun was shining beautifully, warming hearts and sparking her curiosity. Her lips uttered the sacred chants Rishi Durvasa had taught her as her heart rapidly beat against her chest, worrying about its consequences, yet a part of her wanted to know if there was any truth to it. Her childish heart was curious and unaware of the seriousness of the sacred chant.

The sun shone brighter, almost blinding her and Suryadev made his presence known. "Open your eyes, Kunti," the Sun god said with a serene smile as the thirteen-year-old looked at the godly figure in awe. "I am here to fulfil your wish of having a son through me, " Suryadev said as Pritha's eyes widened in shock.

"I can't, " Pritha whispered as realisation hit her. How did she underestimate a Brahman's boon? She could not be a mother at just thirteen springs and go unnoticed. What would happen to her father who trusted her, Kuntibhoj and most importantly Rishi Durvasa who trusted her with the sacred hymn?

"Why not? You summoned me through this hymn for this purpose and now you can't ask me to go back, " the Sun argued with her.

"I can't! Please forgive my folly Suryadev- the folly of not understanding the power of this hymn. I can not have a child while being unmarried, this will tarnish the reputation of my kingdom, my father and me. I want to have a son from you, but it's just not today, not now, " Pritha said with tears streaming down her eyes. She began to realize the impact of her curiosity and cursed herself for not controlling her desires. Could she not wait? Could she not be a little less curious? Thoughts clouded her mind but alas destiny and life always worked strangely.

"We are bound to the boon, Kunti. I have to grant you the boon, " Surya tried persuading her.

Kunti refused to bear a child, as she was worried about the reputation of her father who had raised her with great love and care. Despite each of them trying to persuade the other to change their minds, it was only when he heard the mocking laughter of the other gods that he became angry and threatened Kunti.

"This is sheer irresponsibility! You can not just ask me to return now that you have invoked the hymn. Whether you like it or not, I will have to grant you a son, if not I will be forced to curse your father and the irresponsible Brahmana who granted a child a boon that she does not know its sacredness!" Surya threatened Pritha.

Pritha understood she would not be able to raise the son she would be blessed with. The realisation hit right in the heart as she was made aware of the mocking laughter Surya Dev had to hear - the fruit of childish wishes came at the cost of the reputation of the two involved.

She also knew the child must be protected at all costs - so what if she is not present in her child's life, she will give him the best she can. Mustering up her courage and understanding she was responsible for her actions, Kunti decided she would have the child. She would not let the wrath of Suryadev fall upon her father and the Brahmana who had immense trust in her

" I will have a son as intended, but I have a condition, " Pritha was assertive. 

The boon was not only about her having a son from a divine being but she also could have them do as she willed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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