Drunk And Mistaken 1

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What? You looked around, realizing you were in his room, not in your own. Quickly, you got up, the blanket falling off your body. You shivered as the cold air touched your warm skin, hiding your chest with your arms. “I'm going. Don't think I want to stay even a second more in here.” You couldn't find your clothes anywhere on the floor, so you yanked the blanket off of him to wrap it around your body. By doing so, you unwantedly uncovered the whole of his own, his muscles and tight skin and long torso and legs.

“What are you hiding for? I saw it all anyway.” He made no move to cover himself.

You walked away in a haste, your head throbbing from the alcohol and the anger, grumbling and mumbling to yourself the whole way to your room, where you got yourself some fresh clothes.

But how could you do something like that? Sure, you were drunk - but you thought you still had at least some sense so as to not sleep with someone as stupid as him.

C/n was just unbearable. You hated him with your whole being, his exasperating behavior and ego, thinking like he was the best, mocking you and making fun of you. You hated how he thought he was above you, trying to show it by the constant insults he fired at you, the mean teasing that made your blood bubble and boil.

How you wished to shut that stupid mouth of his so bad. Who did he think he was to have the right to say all these things to you?

Naturally, you spat insults back, mocked him just as much - you both could not really stand each other. But you needed a flatmate to help pay the rent, that was the only reason you put up with him in the same apartment. Finding a new one was too much of a hassle, and who knew if you'd find an even worse douchebag than C/n was.

And you slept with him? He will surely not let that pass, will bring it up to the surface anytime he had the chance to. But you had your own weapon to fire as well - you could say he had just taken advantage of you being drunk, which was definitely not a cool thing to do, no matter how much he claimed to you that it was you to beg for him.

You refused to believe such a thing.

Irritated and with your head aching, you threw yourself back into the blankets, breathing deeply. Unconsciously, the image of his naked body as you yanked the blanket to yourself appeared in your mind, how his hair spread out onto the pillow and his eyes traveled over your body shamelessly.

The smell of sweat and spice filled your nose. His blanket - it smelled of him. You forgot you threw it on your bed when you buried yourself in it.

But your head was hurting you badly, and you felt like throwing up after the abrupt motion, feeling no energy to stand up and walk to his room again. You could envision him in your mind already, asking whether you had missed him to come back so soon. Never will you walk into that room of his voluntarily. If he wanted his blanket, let him get it himself.

Yawning, you let sleep overcome your state to drive away the remnants and effects of alcohol from your body.


No matter how much you thought about it, you could not figure out why he would agree to sleep with you. A few days had passed since, and you made an even bigger effort to avoid him - something which you were not content with, because you did not think he was worth making such an effort to be avoided. You did it nonetheless, though.

Was he that drunk as well? Did the alcohol cloud his mind to such an extent that he slept with you? Or was he perfectly conscious of his actions?

You doubted it. You doubted C/n would sleep with you if he was sober as well. He hated you just as much as you did. He had to be drunk.

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