The Letter

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Y/N was quite the normal girl in the uppermoons eyes, her life was a normal one...

We aren't including the part where she grows up around uppermoon demons, and one of them lives in a pot (i'm looking at you gyokko), but lets get into how the uppermoons took care of her.

Kokushibo was like a father figure, taking care of her, and being extremely overprotective (we stan dad kokushibo) but since the uppermoons decided to teach her stuff, each of them, the classes with him were different, he would teach her how to use a sword, she would be using a wooden sword, since when he first gave her a real sword, which he stole from a swordsmith he killed, she collapsed on the ground with an "oof" because of its weight, she was five at the time, but she's getting better and better with the sword, but still below average

Gay eyed barbie- i mean Douma was a whole different story (why did my keyboard give me breed when i wrote different e wtf-), she was usually kept away from him by Akaza, but sometimes, Douma managed to sneak her away with him, so they could play, and he could shower her with gifts and fancy kimonos, and most importantly for her, he would give her food, and for the lessons the uppermoons agreed on, he would just teach her to be stealthy and quiet, even when she isn't trying, so she walks quietly, which is very effective for when she wants to scare someone, or steal food from the kitchen.

Ok, so Akaza, he is a gentleman, but such the hyper one when it comes to her training with him, he said he would teach her to be stronger, so their lessons went something like this:


(Y/N), who is practicing high kicks, and is going her highest: "I CAN'T DO IT ANY HIGHER."




(Y/N): "yes, i am"


(Y/N): "YES I AM!"


And so the lesson continued in the same spirit, i guess that you can see why she likes his lessons, so much enthusiasm, ok, onto Hantengu and his clones, Hantengu was a scared guy, so he didn't teach her anything, which meant the clones didn't teach her anything, so they were just babysitters,

Gyokko was actually a nice babysitter, i guess..... (Y/N) was scared of him at first when the uppermoons adopted her, at the age of 1, but over time, she grew to get used to his... bizzare shape, and he taught her how to paint, using his pots and vases, at first her painting was horrible, like a childs, but she was a child at the time, so it was normal, but gyokko was horrified and pained at the sight of how she painted over his beautiful vases, he didn't show it, not wanting to hurt her emotions, now her at the age of 10, she was better at painting, and actually managed to get some of the vases she made into what Gyokko sold in his human form (search it up, if you don't know how he looks like in his human form, you will not believe your eyes)

Then come Daki and Gyutaro, Gyutaro just entertained her, since he could, and he wanted to, while Daki, using her Oiran skills, taught her how to act like a lady, and how to break someone's arm or any limb really while acting like a "lady", and how not to arise suspicion that it was her, very good to use, when she stole the chocolate, but no one needs to know about that, but anyways into the present!

Whatever is happening now:

(Y/N) woke up early, at 6 AM, feeling grumpy, the uppermoons were obviously awake, since they didn't sleep, she slumped out of bed, having her blanket around her, and went downstairs, to see the uppermoons, talking together, Kokushibo was quietly talking with Nakime, (Y/N) looked at them and immediately thought "i ship them together, i can't wait for the cousins to come", anyways, Akaza and Douma were fighting, like usual, because Douma was being annoying, and Hantengu was hiding in the corner like the scared child he is, and Gyokko was just looking at his pots, and Daki was talking to her brother, Gyutaro, (Y/N) took all of this in, and turned and just was about to go back up to sleep, when-

Douma: "ah! (Y/N)-chan's awake!"

(Y/N) groaned, just when she could've snuck off and slept more in her beautiful comfy bed, he had to notice her, Douma left an angry Akaza, to go to (Y/N) who's foot was about to go onto the stairs to run away, he gave her a plate of (F/F) as breakfast, she looked at it, took a hand out of her blanket, which was covering her, as she dragged it with her from her bed, she took the breakfast, sat down on the stairs, and just started eating it,

(Y/N), her mouth filled with food, all she could manage was : "tank you"

Douma: "you're welcome, (Y/N)-chan!"

Akaza: "ok, Douma, let the girl eat her food"

Douma: "but Akaza..."

And so they started squabbling again, leaving (Y/N) to eat her food in peace, when she finished, she went to the kitchen to put her plate in the sink, she noticed a letter on the doormat, she took it, and looked at the address, since the uppermoons obviously didn't get mail, and she didn't talk with anyone, her social anxiety says not to, she saw that the address was sent to her saying "(Y/N), the infinity fortress, the room on the middle floor, on the right", she was suspicious of the letter, but opened it, it said:


Dear miss (Y/N),

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment, and a list of answers that will answer all your and your families questions. Before term begins, your books and equipment shall be sent to you. Please make sure it is yours.Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.


PROF. Minerva Mcgonagall, deputy headmistress

(Y/N) blinked a little at the letter, she was a witch, oh well then, she put the letter in a random pocket of hers, and left to the living room where everyone was.

Will the uppermoons reactions be good? Or will they not? Tell me what you think, and give me ideas of what should happen?

The Little Witch II KNY x HP crossover II Draco x Fem! ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora