Hastily I pick up the clothes that I washed earlier before the rain starts and to how the sky is getting dark, can tell is a heavy piece a rain ago fall.

"Ya try beat di rain" A chuckled come from the fence and I snap my head to the direction where I see Sanjay's neighbor, sebastian picking coconut.

"Yeah, yuh nuh fraid lighten lick yuh under the tree" I asked as I continue to release the clothes pins from the clothes and tuck then down into the basket.

"Talk eh like joke, mi ago finish up now still" he smiled.

I've always glimpse him now and when I am around the back either hanging out or taking up clothes but it's the first we have an actual conversation, it's always waving or short greetings. He seems like a really cool guy though, tall, brown with nice wavy hair and a nice muscled body.

He's also in the army, I've seen him in is uniform a few times and Sanjay low key hates him. Like what's the beef with JDF and JCF, he hardly want to answer when thus guy greets him.

one thing mi nuh like a him eyes dhem too look like Jamar own...

"Yuh want one?" His voice snap me from my daze.

"Y-yeah, thanks" I answered when I see him stretching one of the jelly to me. "Hope dhem sweet enu" I joke as I walk to the fence.

"Yes dhem sweet and if yuh want more yuh can get it becaz mi one cah drink dhem off" He chuckled.

"Ok mi ago test this one and if mi like it mi cum back"

"yuh nuh wah mi chop eh fi yuh?" He asked as I was walking away.

Dhat would a good becaz mi cah use cutlass and Jay nuh deh ya...

"Yes thanks" I answered, stretching it back to him.

He chop it for me while I finish taking up the clothes, in no time he was finish and I collect it then head back inside. I place the jelly into the fridge to get chill then head to the room to fold the clothes up but suddenly feel lazy.

mi hate fold up clothes essi... kmt mek dhem gwan marinate ya... tomorrow mi fold dhem...

The opening and closing of the door startle me and I check the time before heading out to the living room where I see Sanjay walking in.

"Babes how yuh cum home suh early?" I asked him.

"frass out B, cah do out di day at all" He sigh stressfully, dropping his briefcase on the single sofa.

"Come siddung here so and tell mi wah bother yuh" I reach for his hand and have him sitting in the sofa.

I quickly walk over to the refridgerator and fetch him a cold lucozade to drink then sit beside him in the sofa. The stress is evident on his face and I really want to know what's eating him up.

"What's wrong Jay?" I asked him.

"Prezii ago get bail" he said and I pause for a good minute. "B mi nuh know how dhem fi a let him out enu but nuh worry yuh sel-

"Babes stop work up yuh self ova dhat, nuh mek dhat stress yuh out" I entwine our fingers together while he looks at me shocked.

I know this isn't the reaction he was expecting to see when he tell me the news but I can't live with fear of this man no more. Him getting bail doesn't mean he can't still get prison time or something else, who knows.

remember Karma is a bitch!.

"How yuh nah freak out bout dhis B? yuh juss seems ok wid him getting out" He turn in the sofa to look at me.

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