Ugh, when can I go home, Kuboyasu's thoughts are starting to scare me, he's fantasizing about protecting me from some stupid gang member, which is so unrealistic it makes me want to cry, it's like I'm in some stupid fanfiction on Wattpad. I bet you that Teruhashi is gonna pop up any second and join us- 'IS THAT SAIKI I SEE IN THERE!?' Kill me. (BTW, PLEASE DON'T COMMENT ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU HATE TERUHASHI, IT MAKES ME REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE CONSIDERING THAT SHE'S JUST A TEENAGER AND MOST LIKELY DOESN'T KNOW THE MEANING OF NARCISSISM)

AFTER TERUHASHI SAT DOWN(I'm running out of ideas, save me)

'Of course, Teruhashi had to find us and join, we're trying to have fun, with just us guys, I shouldn't save her from Dark Reunion for this!' 'Great, Teruhashi just HAD to join, the only reason she's sitting next to Saiki is because Shun didn't want to be mean because she's "ThE mOsT pErFeCt bEIng" like everyone can tell you like Saiki. Saiki should have the title of "The most perfect being to ever exist". I mean, just look at him, he's perfect!"  Shun and Kuboyasu thought angrily. 

God, calm down, she just joined us, but I completely agree, if she didn't have pretty privilege then she probably wouldn't be able to join u- wait a damn fucking minute. Shun and Kuboyasu, thought something mean about Teruhashi? I thought only I could do that? Someone other than me is unaffected by her beauty now?! 

'WHAT'S GOING ON? NO ONE HAS SAID "OH WOW" TO ME SINCE I ENTERED THE BUILDING! Well, everyone in the building but Kuboyasu, Kaido, and Saiki said "Oh wow" BUT STILL!!' Imagine, though I wonder what would Shun and Kuboyasu would think if I did happen to say "Oh wow" to Teruhashi, let me just put that thought in their head real quick and see if it's somewhat cannon, 'If Kusuo said "Oh wow" to Teruhashi, I'm stabbing her with a fork in her stupid blue eyes, then she won't ever be able to even glance at Saiki ever again' 'If I heard Saiki say "Oh wow" to Teruhashi, I'm killing everyone in this building'

 . . .Oh! 

Well, not like I'll ever say anything like that to her. After an eternity, the food arrived 'God, even while eating ramen he looks mesmerizing!' Shun, Kuboyasu, and Teruhashi all thought at the same time. God, leave me alone, please. 

AFTER THE FOOD(the three indeed did not leave him alone)

Finally, we're leaving, those three's thoughts are terrifying, who knew Shun thought of... THOSE things, I almost threw up like five times "Psst, Shun, can you ask Saiki if we can come over,  if Teruhashi or I ask he's most likely going to decline" Kuboyasu whispered to Shun "Yeah, of course!" Great, now I'm gonna have three weirdos in my room, what's up with them today? "Hey Kusuo, can we come over?" Shun asks, and I nod in response, knowing that even if I say no they'll all figure something out to annoy me more "Aww, man i cant come this time. My mom wants me home early today" Then why did you come to eat with us? "Oh, that sucks. Well, see you tomorrow Nendou" "See ya pipsqueak"

AT SAIKI'S HOUSE(i started this at 2 pm today, it is currently 9:22 pm)

I open my bedroom door and let my friends in, hoping that they won't do anything weird considering how weird they've been acting today 'This is the first time I've seen the inside of Saiki's room, I've only seen the outside of his house, it looks so cool!' It's not supposed to but thanks I guess. "So Kusuo, what do you usually do in your free time?" I blankly stare at him till he asks a different question 

"Alright what games do have?" in response, I point at a little cupboard in my dresser, which holds all of my shitty games, "Thank you!" Kaido responds before walking over to the dresser opening the drawer and pulling out a game, which just so happens to be the long-ass intro one(I dont remember what it was called, leave me alone) 



cough cough, excuse me "I'll be right back" I say before getting up and walking out of the room and into the bathroom in front of my bedroom 'AHHH HE SPOKE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEMEEEEEMEMEMERMEMEMEBRFBGFHEWFBJHFBH' The three screamed in their minds as I left the room

WHAT THE F U C K  WAS THAT, WHY WOULD I THINK THAT? WHAT IS  GOING ON?? YOU KNOW WHAT, IT PROBABLY WASN'T EVEN ME, IT MUST BE THE ANNOYING GAME GETTING IN MY HEAD, YEA, THATS IT! Alright time to go back to my room. I think to myself before walking into my room completely unfazed by the random breakdown I had all over thinking two people were cute when mad.

As I walk back into my room, I see the three people in my room sitting down in the seats they were given, knowing full well they were all just snooping through my room and smelling my bed. Well, what now, I don't want to listen to their weird thoughts but I also kinda don't want them to leave. Suddenly, I feel tired, like so tired I feel like I'm gonna pass out right on the spot. Well shit, I think before losing control of my body, basically conscious but unaware of my actions. Next thing I know, shun is on my crotch and I'm on Kuboyasu's chest naked.

And then I wake up to Shun crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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