Chapter 11

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It was the day after the whole dog incident, and Mason, Tristan, Brady, Maddy and Jacob were meeting up to discuss how to go on.

"Okay, uhm.. How do we do this?" Tristan asked.

"In the movie, we actually skipped a day. We didn't do anything to make them happen yesterday." Maddy explained.

"Wait didn't they start the whole thing the day after the dinner?" Mason asked.

"Yeah." Brady replied.

"We need to start telling them how much they like eachother today. Otherwise it won't work out." Maddy said.

"Okay." Tristan replied.

"We have to go in teams. And also, were actors guys. We can make it believable so please for gods sake make it so." Maddy said.

Everyone nodded.

"Ill go with Mason and Brady can go with Jacob." Tristan said.

The four agreed and walked away discussing their plans, leaving Maddy on her own.

"And once again, im Carol." She sighed.

Miguel had just gone for a morning swim, and was gonna take a quick shower before getting breakfast. For some reason they weren't all eating together today.

He walked up the the outdoor shower and saw Mason and Tristan laying on some sunbeds next to the pool. He was about to say hi when..

"She liked him she just doesn't know how to tell him." Mason said.


Miguel ducked behind a bush.

"Yeah its kinda sad. I mean they both think they hate eachother but in reality, I don't think either of them mind the kisses they have to do for filming." Tristan replied.


"But y/n used to be with Javon but now she's not so there is basically nothing holding her back." Mason started.

"No, Nathi's holding her back." Tristan said.

"What do you mean?" Mason asked.

Yeah what did he mean?

"She thinks he's hung up on Nathi, but im like 99 procent he likes her back so whatever."

"Speaking of soulmates how's it going with you and-" Mason started as Miguel drifted off.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I do not like y/n. Miguel thought to himself. But if he likes her..

Y/n walked into the kitchen, going to get breakfast. She saw Brady and Jacob outside on the patio.

"I feel kinda bad for them tho." Brady said.

"I don't, if you like eachother, tell eachother. That's really all you can do." Jacob replied.

Brady gave him a weird look.

"Or fuck. You could fuck too." Jacob added.

"Gross. Anyway, im like 99 procent sure he likes her, i mean dude." Brady replied.

"Yeah, I've never seen the dude be so head over heels for someone." Jacob said.

Y/n was about to ask who they were talking about when..

"Nathi's just a ruse. He doesn't actually like her he just doesn't want y/n to know he likes her." Brady said.

Whoa, what?

"He so likes her." Jacob replied.

"Fuck no, he loves her." Brady said.

"And i really think its not just him like, y/n pretends to hate him but when it comes to it, she wouldn't stop staring at him at dinner." Jacob added.

"True, she goes into conversation with hi-" Brady started.

"Fuck go down, Miguel's here!" Brady whisper yelled.

Jacob looked around and they ducked to the floor, hiding.

As if it wasn't obvious what they were doing.

"Hey!" Miguel said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." Y/n replied.

"So uh-" Miguel started, a huge smile was plastered on his face.

"Oh god, they got to you too?" Y/n asked.

"Huh?" Miguel asked, his smile faded.

"Did you just overhear Brady and Jacob talking about how much i like you?" Y/n asked.

"No.." Miguel said.

Y/n raised her eyebrows.

"It was Mason and Tristan." He added.

"Ah, exactly. Here come." Y/n replied.

She reached for Miguel's hand and dragged him to the patio door. Where they saw Brady and Jacob laying on the floor.

Miguel laughed.

"This is stupid." Y/n said.

"Exactly!" Miguel replied.

"We would never date!" Y/n said.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Is Nathi holding you back from telling me the truth?" Miguel asked.

"Ugh my god." Y/n sighed.

"Hey! Could i borrow you two and ask you to get something for me?" Maddy asked.

Miguel and y/n jumped away from her, not knowing where the hell she'd just come from.

"Together?" Y/n asked.

"Yes." Maddy replied.

"Cant one of us just do it alone?" Miguel asked.

"No." Maddy replied.

The other two sighed.

"Thanks, come with me!" Maddy schrieked.


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